
This is an old revision of the document!


General Information

Spacewalk provides centralized management of Red Hat systems. ( Spacecmd is the command line interface to the server and is much faster than logging into the web portal.


  • Spacewalk server setup
  • Spacewalk user account created

Setting up the spacecmd config file greatly shortens the command, as you do not have to specify server, username, and password each time.

Create the file ~/.spacecmd/config

code will go here

It is also useful to create the following alias in your ~/.bashrc file

alias spacecmd='spacecmd -q'

This will always execute spacecmd with the quiet option. This will not show logging into the server info, which just gets in the way if you are trying to pipe output to other commands.


Section 2, sub-content.

  • linux_wiki/spacecmd_spacewalk_cmd_line.1428896944.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/05/25 23:50
  • (external edit)