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linux_wiki:rsync [2014/12/08 20:37]
linux_wiki:rsync [2019/05/25 23:50]
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-====== Rsync ====== 
-Rsync is good for local and over the network file copying. 
-If the copy is interrupted, rsync will be able to only copy files and parts of files that it has not transferred yet. 
-===== Useful Options ===== 
-There are a lot of options to rsync. The ones that I actually use are: 
-  * -a, --archive : archive mode, which is the same as  
-    * recursive (-r),  
-    * copy symlinks as symlinks (-l),  
-    * preserve permissions (-p),  
-    * preserve modification times (-t),  
-    * preserve group (-g),  
-    * preserve owner (-o),  
-    * preserve device and special files (-D). 
-  * -h, --human-readable : output numbers in human readable format 
-  * -v, --verbose : increase verbosity 
-  * -P : keep partially transferred files (--partial) and show progress during transfer (--progress) 
-  * --delete : delete files on the destination that are no longer on the source.  
-    * This option is useful if you are actually trying to keep two locations in sync and not trying to do a regular copy or backup. 
-  * -exclude-from=FILE : do not copy files matching the patterns from FILE 
-    * This option is easier to show an example of instead of a description. 
-===== Examples ===== 
-==== Local File Copy ==== 
-Perform a local file system copy from one folder to another. 
-In this case, I would definitely want to use archive mode to preserve all of my file attributes. 
-I would also normally want to see transfers in human readable format, details (verbose), and see the transfer progress. 
-<code bash> 
-rsync -ahvP /home/bill/scripts/ /backups/scripts/ 
-==== Keeping Folders In Sync ==== 
-Keep a destination in sync with whatever the source has. 
-In this case, the delete option would be desired, so if a file is deleted from the source, it is also removed from the destination on the next sync. (Which is probably run as a cron job) 
-<code bash> 
-rsync -avhP --delete /home/bill/documents/shared/ /media/shared_docs/ 
-==== Excluding Folders/Files ==== 
-Perform a folder sync, but exclude certain folders matching a pattern in a file. 
-<code bash> 
-rsync -avhP --delete -exclude-from=/home/bill/rsync_exceptions /home/bill/documents/shared/ /media/shared_docs/ 
-The contents of rsync_exceptions could be: 
-<code bash> 
-Those two patterns mean: 
-  * -/records/  : exclude (-) the records folder in the root of the source tree.  
-    * That means it would exclude /home/bill/documents/shared/records but would copy something like /home/bill/documents/shared/secretstuff/records. 
-  * -projects : exclude any file, directory, or symlink that matches "projects" anywhere.  
-    * If the desire was to exclude any folder named "projects anywhere, then it should be "-projects/" 
-  * -*.jpg : exclude any file that ends in ".jpg" 
-See the rsync man page and search for "FILTER RULES" to see more. 
-==== Rsync in SSH Tunnel ==== 
-You can tunnel rsync in a SSH tunnel for over the internet transfers. 
-It is much easier than it sounds, in is still a one line command. 
-<code bash> 
-rsync -ahvP -e "ssh" /home/bill/scripts/ bill@ 
-The above opens a SSH tunnel to "bill@" and sends normal rsync copy operations through the encrypted tunnel to the destination system. 
  • linux_wiki/rsync.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/05/25 23:50
  • (external edit)