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linux_wiki:list_set_and_change_standard_ugo_rwx_permissions [2016/02/29 23:00]
billdozor [Setuid, Setgid, sticky bits]
linux_wiki:list_set_and_change_standard_ugo_rwx_permissions [2019/05/25 23:50]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== List Set And Change Standard Ugo Rwx Permissions ====== 
-**General Information** 
-Ownership and permissions.  
-====== Permissions Overview ====== 
-Permissions tools  
-  * chmod => Change permissions for user, group, other, or all 
-  * chown => Change user/group ownership 
-Chmod Modes 
-  * symbolic => represent permissions via u,g,o,a 
-  * octal => represent permissions with numbers 
-Change file1 ownership to rjones and group to student 
-<code bash> 
-chown rjones:student file1 
-  * You can leave off either the username or group name if only changing one of them, but the colon (:) must remain if only changing the group owner. 
-===== List Permissions ===== 
-<code bash> 
-ls -l 
--rw-r--r--. 2 root root          0 Jun 20 15:11 file1 
--rw-r--r--. 2 root root          0 Jun 20 15:11 file2 
-drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root         17 Jun 20 14:50 newdir 
-  * First column => - (file), d (directory, l (symlink) 
-  * Columns 2-4 => User owner permissions (rwx) 
-  * Columns 5-7 => Group permissions (rwx) 
-  * Columns 8-10 => Other permissions (rwx) 
-===== Change Permissions ===== 
-==== Symbolic ==== 
-  * u => user owner 
-  * g => group 
-  * o => other users 
-  * a => all users 
-Add write permissions to a file for the group 
-<code bash> 
-chmod g+w file1 
-Take away read permissions for others, for all of dir1 directory and its contents 
-<code bash> 
-chmod -R o-r dir1 
-  * -R => recursively 
-Add execute permissions to directories only in a tree 
-<code bash> 
-chmod -R ug+X dir1 
-  * For user owner and group => Adds execute to dir1 and all sub directories, not files. 
-==== Octal ==== 
-  * 4 => read 
-  * 2 => write 
-  * 1 => execute 
-  * Add together to get permissions 
-Set file1 permissions using octal notation 
-<code bash> 
-chmod 740 file1 
-  * user owner => read(4),write(2),execute(1) permissions (4+2+1=7) 
-  * group => read(4) permissions 
-  * others => no(0) permissions 
-===== Setuid, Setgid, sticky bits ===== 
-  * Setuid => execute file with owner's permissions 
-  * Setgid => execute file with group's permissions (most often set on directories to keep files created in that dir owned by the group) 
-  * Sticky bit => when set on a directory, prevents file deletion unless the user is the owner. (even if they have write permissions) 
-Add setuid to script1 
-<code bash> 
-chmod u+s script1 
-Same scenario, octal mode 
-<code bash> 
-chmod 4740 script1 
-When there are four numbers in chmod, the first is for setuid/gid/stickybit: 
-  * 4 => setuid 
-  * 2 => setgid 
-  * 1 => sticky bit 
-===== umask: default file/directory permissions ===== 
-  * umask permissions are "masking" the permissions that we don't want to have. 
-  * New files will **not** be created with execute permissions by default. 
-  * New directories **will** be created with execute permissions by default. 
-View current defaults 
-<code bash> 
-  * Defaults show above are in octal 
-  * Owner => 0 (don't mask any) 
-  * Group => 2 (mask write permissions) 
-  * Others => 2 (mask write permissions) 
-The above yields a file with the following permissions by default: 
-<code bash> 
--rw-r--r--   1 user user    0 Jun 22 14:01 file1 
-Temporarily change the default for this session only 
-<code bash> 
-umask 266 
-touch testfile 
-ls -l 
-dr-x--x--x   2 user user 4096 Jun 22 14:09 testdir 
--r--------   1 user user    0 Jun 22 14:08 testfile 
-Permanent umask changes (system wide) 
-<code bash> 
-vim /etc/bashrc 
-vim /etc/profile 
-if [ $UID -gt 199 ] && [ "`id -gn`" = "`id -un`" ]; then 
-       umask 002 
-    else 
-       umask 022 
-  * User accounts with a user id greater than 199 and the group name is the same as their username => umask of 002. 
-  * All other users => umask of 022 
-  * Note: Need to make this change in /etc/bashrc and /etc/profile 
  • linux_wiki/list_set_and_change_standard_ugo_rwx_permissions.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/05/25 23:50
  • (external edit)