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Create A Simple Database Schema

General Information

Creating a simple database in MariaDB.

Lab Setup

The following virtual machines will be used:

  • ( → Perform any client testing here
  • ( → Install the database here

Previous Section Completed

Basic Database Commands

Connect to the database

mysql -u root -p

Show databases available

MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;

Open a database

MariaDB [(none)]> USE mysql;

Display tables in the database

MariaDB [(mysql)]> SHOW TABLES;

Display all (SELECT *) contents of the table 'host'

MariaDB [(mysql)]> SELECT * FROM host;

Show details of the table 'host'

MariaDB [(mysql)]> DESCRIBE host;

Create a Database

Create a database called 'emails'

MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE emails;

Open the new database

MariaDB [(none)]> USE emails;

Create a new table in the emails database

MariaDB [emails]> CREATE TABLE users (userID INT, userFirstName char(25), userLastName char(30), userEmailAddress char(50))
  • When you create a table, you must define the names of the columns and the type of data they should contain
  • userID INT → Named userID and of type integer
  • userFirstName char(25) → Named userFirstName and of type characters up to 25 long

Show the tables in the emails DB, display contents of the users table, show the data types in the users table.

MariaDB [emails]> SHOW TABLES;
MariaDB [emails]> SELECT * FROM users;
MariaDB [emails]> DESCRIBE users;

  • linux_wiki/create_a_simple_database_schema.1524241811.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/05/25 23:50
  • (external edit)