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linux_wiki:command_many_systems_part2_send_cmd [2017/01/24 22:25]
billdozor [Script Usage]
linux_wiki:command_many_systems_part2_send_cmd [2019/05/25 23:50]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Command Many Systems Part2: Send Cmd ====== 
-**General Information** 
-Script using techniques from [[linux_wiki:command_many_systems_part1_basics|Part 1]] to send commands in a variety of ways to a different number of systems.  
-  * Distro(s): Any 
-  * Other: Use of [[linux_wiki:ssh_pub_priv_keys|SSH Public/Private keys]] so nothing prompts for a password in the loop. 
-  * Understanding of [[linux_wiki:command_many_systems_part1_basics|Part 1]] 
-====== Script Usage ====== 
-Help screen for 
-./ -h 
-<code bash> 
-==== Send Command ==== 
-Description: Execute a command on the specified system(s). 
---Usage-- <SYSTEM-OPTION> -c 'command to send' [OTHER OPTIONS] 
--s system             => Single system hostname(unquoted). 
--s 'system1 system2'  => Multiple system hostnames(quoted). 
--s filename           => File with system name(s). 
--g system-group       => Spacewalk system group. 
--a                    => All Spacewalk registered systems. 
--c 'command to send'  => Send the quoted command.(Can be unquoted if only 1 word) 
--h                    => Display usage. 
--i                    => Interactive mode.(Default: Non-interactive) 
--p                    => Send commands in parallel. 
--w num                => Set the max workers for parallel mode (default:10) 
--v                    => Verbose output. 
---Other Requirements-- 
--> Spacecmd and config file setup required.(-g or -a only) 
--> Run as a user with system list privileges on the Spacewalk server.(-g or -a only) 
-====== The Scripts ====== 
-===== Main Script File ===== 
-Main script file. 
-<code bash> 
-# Name: 
-# Description: Execute a command(s) on the specified system(s) 
-# Last Updated: 2016-12-20 
-# Recent Changes:-Added interactive mode (-i) 
-#                -Added worker argument and return code for ssh commands; newline 
-#                 after output; color to return code 
-##### Customize These Variables ##### 
-# Spacecmd command and any default arguments 
-spacecmd_cmd="spacecmd -q" 
-# Max number of workers at a time 
-# Get base path 
-base_path="$(echo ${0} | sed 's/')" 
-# Worker script 
-## Define colors ## 
-# End/reset color 
-# Colors 
-##### End of Customize Variables ##### 
-# Functions; Main starts after 
-function show_usage 
-  echo -e "\n==== Send Command ====" 
-  echo -e "\nDescription: Execute a command on the specified system(s)." 
-  echo -e "\n--Usage--" 
-  echo -e " <SYSTEM-OPTION> -c 'command to send' [OTHER OPTIONS]" 
-  echo -e "\nSYSTEM OPTIONS" 
-  echo -e "-s system             => Single system hostname(unquoted)." 
-  echo -e "-s 'system1 system2'  => Multiple system hostnames(quoted)." 
-  echo -e "-s filename           => File with system name(s)." 
-  echo -e "-g system-group       => Spacewalk system group." 
-  echo -e "-a                    => All Spacewalk registered systems." 
-  echo -e "\nCOMMAND SYNTAX" 
-  echo -e "-c 'command to send'  => Send the quoted command.(Can be unquoted if only 1 word)" 
-  echo -e "\nOTHER OPTIONS" 
-  echo -e "-h                    => Display usage." 
-  echo -e "-i                    => Interactive mode.(Default: Non-interactive)" 
-  echo -e "-p                    => Send commands in parallel." 
-  echo -e "-w num                => Set the max workers for parallel mode (default:${max_workers})" 
-  echo -e "-v                    => Verbose output." 
-  echo -e "\n--Other Requirements--" 
-  echo -e "-> Spacecmd and config file setup required.(-g or -a only)" 
-  echo -e "-> Run as a user with system list privileges on the Spacewalk server.(-g or -a only)" 
-  echo -e 
-# Get Script Arguments 
-# Reset POSIX variable in case it has been used previously in this shell 
-## Default settings ## 
-# Non-interactive by default 
-# Do not send to all systems by default 
-# Send commands in serial by default 
-# Verbose to no by default 
-## Get command line arguments ## 
-while getopts "his:g:ac:pw:v" opt; do 
-  case "${opt}" in 
-    h) # -h (help) argument 
-      show_usage 
-      exit 0 
-    ;; 
-    i) # -i (interactive) argument 
-      interactive_mode="yes" 
-    ;; 
-    s) # -s system 
-      system_name="${OPTARG}" 
-      # Determine if cmd type is single system(s) argument or filename 
-      if [[ -f ${system_name} ]]; then 
-        cmd_type="file" 
-      else 
-        cmd_type="single" 
-      fi 
-    ;; 
-    g) # -g system-group 
-      system_group="${OPTARG}" 
-      cmd_type="group" 
-    ;; 
-    a) # -a (all systems) 
-      all_systems="yes" 
-      cmd_type="all" 
-    ;; 
-    c) # command to send 
-      send_cmd="${OPTARG}" 
-    ;; 
-    p) # send commands in parallel 
-      parallel_cmds="yes" 
-    ;; 
-    w) # max workers in parallel 
-      max_workers="${OPTARG}" 
-    ;; 
-    v) # verbose output 
-      verbose="yes" 
-    ;; 
-    *) # invalid argument 
-      show_usage 
-      exit 0 
-    ;; 
-  esac 
-## Argument Sanity Checks ## 
-# Scenario: No arguments set 
-if [[ ${all_systems} == "no" ]]; then 
-  if [[ -z ${system_name} && -z ${system_group} ]]; then 
-    echo -e "\n>> ERROR! You must decide on what system(s) will be sent the command." 
-    show_usage 
-    exit 1 
-  fi 
-# Scenario: All systems AND single system(s) argument/filename set 
-if [[ ${all_systems} == "yes" && ${system_name} ]]; then 
-  echo -e "\n>> ERROR! Incompatible arguments (all systems and a single system(s) argument/file)." 
-  show_usage 
-  exit 1 
-# Scenario: All systems AND system group set 
-if [[ ${all_systems} == "yes" && ${system_group} ]]; then 
-  echo -e "\n>> ERROR! Incompatible arguments (all systems and a system group)." 
-  show_usage 
-  exit 1 
-# Scenario: Single system(s) argument AND system group set 
-if [[ ${system_name} && ${system_group} ]]; then 
-  echo -e "\n>> ERROR! Incompatible arguments (single system(s) argument/file and a system group)." 
-  show_usage 
-  exit 1 
-# Scenario: No command set 
-if [[ -z ${send_cmd} ]]; then 
-  echo -e "\n>> ERROR! You must enter a command to send." 
-  show_usage 
-  exit 1 
-# Parallel Send and Interactive Mode set: Issue warning 
-if [[ ${parallel_cmds} == "yes" && ${interactive_mode} == "yes" ]]; then 
-  echo -e "\n>> WARNING: Interactive mode (-i) ignored due to parallel send mode (-p).\n" 
-  interactive_mode="no" 
-## Command Type: Single or Filename ## 
-# Pre-checks: Ensure dependencies exist 
-# Only check for Spacewalk dependencies if NOT sending to a single system(s) argument/file 
-if [[ -z ${system_name} ]]; then 
-  # Check for Spacecmd 
-  which spacecmd &> /dev/null 
-  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then 
-    echo "\n>> Error! The command 'spacecmd' is not found or not in PATH. Exiting..." 
-    exit 1 
-  fi 
-  # Check to see if a spacecmd config file exists 
-  if [[ ! -f ${HOME}/.spacecmd/config ]]; then 
-    echo -e "\n>> Error! No spacecmd config file found at: ${HOME}/.spacecmd/config. Exiting..." 
-    exit 1 
-  fi 
-# Main starts here 
-if [[ ${verbose} == "yes" ]]; then 
-  echo -e "=============================" 
-  echo -e "####=== Send Command ====####" 
-  echo -e "=============================" 
-  echo -e "NOTE: Commands with spaces and multiple system names must be quoted.\n" 
-  if [[ ${system_name} ]]; then 
-    if [[ ${cmd_type} == "file" ]]; then 
-      echo -e "Send command to these system(s) from file(${system_name}): \n$(cat ${system_name})" 
-    else 
-      echo -e "Send command to system(s): ${system_name}" 
-    fi 
-  elif [[ ${system_group} ]]; then 
-    echo -e "Send command to systems in this Spacewalk group: ${system_group}" 
-  else 
-    echo -e "Send command to ALL systems." 
-  fi 
-  if [[ ${parallel_cmds} == "yes" ]]; then 
-    echo -e "Send Mode: Parallel with (${max_workers}) workers" 
-  else 
-    echo -e "Send Mode: Serial" 
-  fi 
-  echo -e "Command to send: ${send_cmd}" 
-  echo -e "=>Continue?[y/n]:\c" 
-  read run_script 
-  if [[ ${run_script} != "y" ]]; then 
-    echo -e "\n>>Will not run the send command script. Exiting..." 
-    exit 1 
-  fi 
-fi # end of verbose check 
-# If we are using parallel commands, set the current number of workers 
-if [[ ${parallel_cmds} == "yes" ]]; then 
-  current_workers=0 
-case ${cmd_type} in 
-  single) 
-  ## Single system(s) argument ## 
-  if [[ ${verbose} == "yes" ]]; then 
-    echo -e "\n>> Sending command(s) to system(s)..." 
-  fi 
-  if [[ ${parallel_cmds} == "yes" ]]; then 
-    # Parallel Execution 
-    for node in $(echo ${system_name}); do 
-      # If the current number of workers equals the max, wait for them to complete, then reset to zero 
-      if [[ ${current_workers} -ge ${max_workers} ]]; then 
-        wait 
-        current_workers=0 
-      fi 
-      # Start a new worker in the background 
-      if [[ ${verbose} == "yes" ]]; then 
-        echo "-> Working on ${node}..." 
-      fi 
-      (${worker_script} ${node} "${send_cmd}") & 
-      # Increase the number of current workers 
-      current_workers=$(( ${current_workers} + 1 )) 
-    done 
-    # Wait for all remaining workers to complete 
-    wait 
-  else 
-    # Serial Execution 
-    for node in $(echo ${system_name}); do 
-      # Non-interactive (default) 
-      if [[ ${interactive_mode} != "yes" ]]; then 
-        output="$(ssh -qt -o ConnectTimeout=5 ${node} "${send_cmd}")" 
-        return_code=$(echo $?) 
-        case "${return_code}" in 
-          0) # 0 return code - show green return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_green}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-          1) # 1 return code  - show red return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_red}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-          *) # any other return code  - show yellow return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_yellow}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-        esac 
-      else 
-        # Interactive mode set 
-        echo -e "-> ${node}" 
-        ssh -qt -o ConnectTimeout=5 ${node} "${send_cmd}" 
-        echo 
-      fi 
-    done 
-  fi 
-  ;; 
-  file) 
-  ## File with one or more systems ## 
-  if [[ ${verbose} == "yes" ]]; then 
-    echo -e "\n>> Sending command(s) to system(s) in file (${system_name})..." 
-  fi 
-  if [[ ${parallel_cmds} == "yes" ]]; then 
-    # Parallel Execution 
-    for node in $(cat ${system_name}); do 
-      # If the current number of workers equals the max, wait for them to complete, then reset to zero 
-      if [[ ${current_workers} -ge ${max_workers} ]]; then 
-        wait 
-        current_workers=0 
-      fi 
-      # Start a new worker in the background 
-      if [[ ${verbose} == "yes" ]]; then 
-        echo "-> Working on ${node}..." 
-      fi 
-      (${worker_script} ${node} "${send_cmd}") & 
-      # Increase the number of current workers 
-      current_workers=$(( ${current_workers} + 1 )) 
-    done 
-    # Wait for all remaining workers to complete 
-    wait 
-  else 
-    # Serial Execution 
-    for node in $(cat ${system_name}); do 
-      # Non-interactive (default) 
-      if [[ ${interactive_mode} != "yes" ]]; then 
-        output="$(ssh -qt -o ConnectTimeout=5 ${node} "${send_cmd}")" 
-        return_code=$(echo $?) 
-        case "${return_code}" in 
-          0) # 0 return code - show green return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_green}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-          1) # 1 return code  - show red return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_red}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-          *) # any other return code  - show yellow return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_yellow}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-        esac 
-      else 
-        # Interactive mode set 
-        echo -e "-> ${node}" 
-        ssh -qt -o ConnectTimeout=5 ${node} "${send_cmd}" 
-        echo 
-      fi 
-    done 
-  fi 
-  ;; 
-  group) 
-  ## Group of systems (Spacewalk Group) ## 
-  if [[ ${verbose} == "yes" ]]; then 
-    echo -e "\n>> Sending command(s) to a group of systems (${system_group})..." 
-  fi 
-  # Check to see if the Spacewalk group exists; exit if it does not 
-  ${spacecmd_cmd} group_list | grep ${system_group} > /dev/null 
-  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then 
-    echo -e "-> ERROR! Could not find Spacewalk group: ${system_group}" 
-    exit 1 
-  fi 
-  if [[ ${parallel_cmds} == "yes" ]]; then 
-    # Parallel Execution 
-    for node in $(${spacecmd_cmd} group_listsystems ${system_group}); do 
-      # If the current number of workers equals the max, wait for them to complete, then reset to zero 
-      if [[ ${current_workers} -ge ${max_workers} ]]; then 
-        wait 
-        current_workers=0 
-      fi 
-      # Start a new worker in the background 
-      if [[ ${verbose} == "yes" ]]; then 
-        echo "-> Working on ${node}..." 
-      fi 
-      (${worker_script} ${node} "${send_cmd}") & 
-      # Increase the number of current workers 
-      current_workers=$(( ${current_workers} + 1 )) 
-    done 
-    # Wait for all remaining workers to complete 
-    wait 
-  else 
-    # Serial Execution 
-    for node in $(${spacecmd_cmd} group_listsystems ${system_group}); do 
-      # Non-interactive (default) 
-      if [[ ${interactive_mode} != "yes" ]]; then 
-        output="$(ssh -qt -o ConnectTimeout=5 ${node} "${send_cmd}")" 
-        return_code=$(echo $?) 
-        case "${return_code}" in 
-          0) # 0 return code - show green return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_green}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-          1) # 1 return code  - show red return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_red}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-          *) # any other return code  - show yellow return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_yellow}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-        esac 
-      else 
-        # Interactive mode set 
-        echo -e "-> ${node}" 
-        ssh -qt -o ConnectTimeout=5 ${node} "${send_cmd}" 
-        echo 
-      fi 
-    done 
-  fi 
-  ;; 
-  all) 
-  ## All Systems ## 
-  if [[ ${verbose} == "yes" ]]; then 
-    echo -e "\n>> Sending command(s) to All systems..." 
-  fi 
-  if [[ ${parallel_cmds} == "yes" ]]; then 
-    # Parallel Execution 
-    for node in $(${spacecmd_cmd} system_list); do  
-      # If the current number of workers equals the max, wait for them to complete, then reset to zero 
-      if [[ ${current_workers} -ge ${max_workers} ]]; then 
-        wait 
-        current_workers=0 
-      fi 
-      # Start a new worker in the background 
-      if [[ ${verbose} == "yes" ]]; then 
-        echo "-> Working on ${node}..." 
-      fi 
-      (${worker_script} ${node} "${send_cmd}") & 
-      # Increase the number of current workers by one 
-      current_workers=$(( ${current_workers} + 1 )) 
-    done 
-    # Wait for all remaining workers to complete 
-    wait 
-  else 
-    # Serial Execution 
-    for node in $(${spacecmd_cmd} system_list); do  
-      # Non-interactive (default) 
-      if [[ ${interactive_mode} != "yes" ]]; then 
-        output="$(ssh -qt -o ConnectTimeout=5 ${node} "${send_cmd}")" 
-        return_code=$(echo $?) 
-        case "${return_code}" in 
-          0) # 0 return code - show green return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_green}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-          1) # 1 return code  - show red return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_red}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-          *) # any other return code  - show yellow return code 
-            echo -e "-> ${node} (${color_yellow}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-          ;; 
-        esac 
-      else 
-        # Interactive mode set 
-        echo -e "-> ${node}" 
-        ssh -qt -o ConnectTimeout=5 ${node} "${send_cmd}" 
-        echo 
-      fi 
-    done 
-  fi 
-  ;; 
-if [[ ${verbose} == "yes" ]]; then 
-  echo -e "\n=============================" 
-  echo -e "=- Send Command Completed. -=" 
-  echo -e "=============================" 
-===== Worker Script File ===== 
-Worker script file used for parallel commands only. 
-<code bash> 
-# Name: 
-# Description: Worker script for the parent "" 
-# Last Updated: 2016-12-09 
-# Recent Changes:-Added return code to output; newline after output;  
-#                 color to return code output 
-#                -Moved 'Working on...' output to parent script 
-if [[ -z ${1} ]]; then 
-  echo -e "ERROR! This worker script requires arguments and is meant to be executed via its parent script." 
-  echo -e "For usage see: ./ -h" 
-  exit 1 
-## Configure colors ## 
-# End/reset color 
-# Colors 
-## End of configure colors ## 
-# Set system name to the first argument 
-# Shift arguments and set the command to send as the remaining arguments 
-# Send command to system and capture output 
-output="$(ssh -qt -o ConnectTimeout=5 ${system_name} "${send_cmd}")" 
-return_code=$(echo $?) 
-case "${return_code}" in 
-  0) # 0 return code - show green return code 
-    echo -e "-> ${system_name} (${color_green}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-  ;; 
- 1) # 1 return code  - show red return code 
-    echo -e "-> ${system_name} (${color_red}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-  ;; 
- *) # any other return code  - show yellow return code 
-    echo -e "-> ${system_name} (${color_yellow}retcode=${return_code}${color_end})\n${output}\n" 
-  ;; 
  • linux_wiki/command_many_systems_part2_send_cmd.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/05/25 23:50
  • (external edit)