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Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM)
Description: KVM is “a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions.” (KVM Main Page) It can be run on the desktop with GUI managers or on a headless server.
- Some Red Hat based distro is already installed. (CentOS, Scientific, RHEL, etc)
- This page was written using CentOS 6.6 with GNOME desktop (headless KVM is on the to do list!)
2015-02-13: These are rough notes and in progress as I learn KVM.
- Install: Virtualization Groups
yum groupinstall "Virtualization*"
Group Explanations This will install the following package groups:
- Virtualization Tools ⇒ Tools for offline virtual image management.
- Virtualization Platform ⇒ Provides an interface for accessing and controlling virtualized guests and containers.
- Virtualization Client ⇒ Clients for installing and managing virtualization instances.
- Virtualization ⇒ Provides an environment for hosting virtualized guests.
For detailed info and a list of packages that will be installed:
yum groupinfo "Virtualization*"
- Install: Additional Useful Packages
yum install bridge-utils dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts tigervnc xorg-x11-xauth
Packages Descriptions
- bridge-utils ⇒ network bridging to allow the VMs to use the host machine's physical interfaces as a bridge.
- dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts ⇒ Fonts for virt-manager (GUI VM manager)
- tigervnc ⇒ VNC to connect locally to VM console
- xorg-x11-xauth ⇒ X11 forwarding through ssh. (Remote virt-manager for headless servers)
Verify Installation and Start Services
- Ensure that the KVM kernel module is loaded
lsmod | grep kvm
- Start the libvirtd service
service libvirtd start
- Enable libvirtd on system boot
chkconfig libvirtd on
- Verify libvirtd is running successfully
service libvirtd status virsh -c qemu://system list
Setup Networking
By default, VMs will be on a private network with no access to the outside world unless they use a physical host network interface as a bridge.
NetworkManager vs network
- Turn off NetworkManager, which does not play nice with bridging.
chkconfig NetworkManager off service NetworkManager stop
- Ensure the network service is enabled and running.
chkconfig network on service network start
Create a Bridge
- Create a bridge interface called “br0” that will use the physical interface “eth0” the easy way.
virsh iface-bridge eth0 br0
This will create the new file “ifcfg-br0” and modify “ifcfg-eth0” to look as follows:
DEVICE="eth0" HWADDR="00:04:4B:17:3C:FA" ONBOOT="yes" BRIDGE="br0"
DEVICE="br0" ONBOOT="yes" TYPE="Bridge" BOOTPROTO="dhcp" STP="on" DELAY="0"
br0 will be the interface with an IP address. To make it static, simply edit ifcfg-br0 and change it:
IP Forwarding
- Enable ip forwarding
Edit /etc/sysctl.conf
inet.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
- Apply settings
sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
- Restart the network service
service network restart
If SELinux is in Enforcing mode, there is additional configuration if you change the default directory for VM images.
Default VM Image directory: /var/lib/libvirt/images/
Changing the Default VM Image Path
- Create the directory
mkdir /vm-images
- Install the following package to enable use of the “semanage” utility.
yum install policycoreutils-python
- Set security context for the vm-images directory and everything that is created under it.
semanage fcontext -a -t virt_image_t "/vm-images(/.*)?"
- Restore the security context (I don't know why you have to do this yet…but you do)
restorecon -R /vm-images
- Verify
ls -Z /vm-images
Creating VMs
VMs can be installed via a command line tool (virt-install) or a GUI (virt-manager).
CLI: virt-install
virt-install has many options, see them with “virt-install –help”.
Common options:
General Options --name=NAME (Name of the guest) --ram=MEMORY (Memory in megabytes) --vcpus=VCPUS (Number of vcpus) Installation Method --cdrom=CDROM (CD-ROM installation media, can be ISO or physical cd-rom drive) --location=LOCATION (Installation source via http, ftp, or nfs.) --pxe (Boot from network using PXE) --extra-args "ks=http://myserver/mykickstartfile.ks" (Path to kickstart file for automated installs) Storage Configuration --disk=DISKOPTS (Storage with different options) --disk path=/my/existing/disk --disk path=/my/new/disk,size=10 (in GB) Network --network bridge=br0 (Guest network interface) Graphics --graphics=GRAPHICS (Guest display settings) --graphics vnc (Default if DISPLAY environment variable is set) --graphics none (Default if DISPLAY environment variable is not set)
Example: Interactive Install with VNC
Install a VM called “centos1”, create a 20GB hard drive, 1 CPU, 1GB ram, point it to the iso, have it use the network interface “br0”
virt-install \ --name=centos1 \ --disk path=/vm-images/centos1.img,size=20 \ --vcpus=1 --ram=1024 \ --cdrom=/vm-images/CentOS-6.6-x86_64-netinstall.iso \ --network bridge=br0
Connect to Guest for Installation
After the VM is created, if you are using the “–graphics vnc” option (either by default or explicitly), a console is opened up for interactive install.
If you close it, this is how you can connect back to the guest:
- Method 1: Connect directly to the guest console
Example connect to the guest named “centos1” (Yes, that is 3 slashes)
virt-viewer --connect qemu:///system centos1
- Method 2: Open virt-manager
Example open virt-manager and then the VM “centos1”
- Select the VM
- Click “Open”
Proceed with installation as normal.
GUI: virt-manager
Installing locally via a GUI.
- Open a terminal and type:
- The virt-manager GUI will open.
- Select the name of the host (probably “localhost (QEMU)”)
- Click the “Create a New Virtual Machine” button (the monitor with a play button on it)
- Step 1 ⇒
- Name: Name the virtual machine
- Choose how to install: Select the install method
- Step 2 ⇒
- Browse for the media
- OS Type/Version: Optionally, select the OS type and version
- Step 3 ⇒
- Memory/CPU: Select memory and CPU.
- Step 4 ⇒
- Storage: Create or use existing storage
- Step 5 ⇒
- Ready to install: Confirm settings, set advanced options such as Host network device.