Table of Contents

Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Automatically Using Kickstart

General Information

Installing a VM takes a while and is probably not too likely to occur on the exam, but you should be prepared to do it in case.

Create Kickstart File

Start with the kickstart containing many of the config options selected for the existing system located at:

Create Kickstart File: CLI

If you do not have a GUI, you can:

Create Kickstart File: GUI

If you have a GUI: You can install the kickstart config generator

yum install system-config-kickstart

Launch GUI Configurator


Kickstart a System

Once you have a kickstart file created

  1. Move kickstart file onto the system that is sharing the installation files
  2. Boot VM and specify a network location for install, along with a kickstart location
  3. System will go through installation automatically, using the kickstart file