Table of Contents

Identify Cpu Memory Intensive Processes Adjust Process Priority With Renice And Kill Processes

General Information

Process wrangling. Get em cow-poke and watch out for zombies.

Identify CPU/memory intensive processes


Grep for processes and return the PID.

Search processes for httpd

pgrep httpd -l

Search for all processes being run by the user called “user”

pgrep -u user -l

All processes not owned by the root user

pgrep -v -u root -l


All processes, user defined display options

ps -eo pid,comm,nice

GNU Style Options

ps -elf

BSD Style Options

ps aux

system load

Load average

Get the number of CPUs

grep -c proc /proc/cpuinfo

View load averages

 17:03:49 up  2:02,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.04

Percentage of total processing power in use = load average / (# of cpus)


Open top


Interactive commands

Start top with a screen update delay of 2 seconds

top -d 2

adjust process priority with renice

Highest priority ⇒ -20 (the least nice to other processes)
Lowest priority ⇒ 19 (the most nice to other processes)
Default nice level if nice run, but level not specified ⇒ 10

Start program with a nice level of 5

nice -n 5 httpd

Change nice level of a running process to -5

renice -n -5 2879

Change nice level of all running httpd processes to -10

renice -n -10 $(pgrep httpd)

kill processes

List kill signals

kill -l

Kill process by name (instead of PID)

pkill httpd

Remove a user's ssh session (kick user off system)

pkill -u rjones sshd

Kill all processes started from a specific terminal

pkill -t pts/1

Stop a process that is job #1

kill -SIGSTOP %1

Contine the process that is job #1

kill -SIGCONT %1

Kill an individual process with PID 2594

kill -SIGKILL 2594