====== Django Install ====== **General Information** Installing the Django Web Framework and its dependencies. \\ Documentation for the 1.11 LTS Release: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ \\ **Checklist** * CentOS 7 Minimal install ---- ====== OS Packages ====== Install required OS packages. yum install wget gcc python-devel ---- ====== Application Dependencies ====== Install Web Server and Database * Install Apache Web Server with mod_wsgi and mod_sslyum install httpd mod_wsgi mod_ssl * Install MariaDByum install mariadb mariadb-server mariadb-devel \\ Install Python Environment * Verify Python 2.7python -V * Install pipwget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py python get-pip.py * Install Python interface to MySQLpip install mysqlclient ---- ====== Application Install ====== Install Django pip install Django ---- ====== Next Steps ====== [[python_wiki:django_configuration|Proceed to configuration]]. ----