====== Webserver Security Verification ====== **General Information** Verifying security settings on web servers. **Checklist** * Apache HTTPD or Nginx ---- ====== Verify SSL Ciphers ====== Ciphers - Check what will be used by openssl openssl ciphers -v 'HIGH:!MEDIUM:!3DES:!ADH:!AECDH:!DHE:!EDH:!RC4' \\ Ciphers - Perform a SSL Scan on the web server sslscan --no-failed * Look for "Supported Server Cipher(s)" and "Preferred Server Cipher(s)" \\ Ciphers - Perform a SSL Scan on the web server, get just the Accepted lines sslscan --no-failed | grep Accepted ---- ====== Verify HTTP Headers ====== Verify set HTTP headers, HSTS and others.curl --head https://mysite.domain.com/ ----