====== VScode Editor ====== **General Information** VScode/VScodium settings/useful plugins. \\ VScode is Microsoft's cross platform code editor. * Official site: https://code.visualstudio.com/ VScodium is the open source version of VScode, the major difference being no telemetry (no reporting usage stats/phoning home to Microsoft). * Official site: https://vscodium.com/ ---- ====== Install ====== Installation of vscode or vscodium. \\ Different methods of installing vscode here: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/linux \\ Installing vscodium here: https://vscodium.com/#install ---- ====== Custom Code Settings ====== You can edit custom settings in a json file to add advanced features. Edit settings either via the CLI or GUI: * CLI * VSCodium: Edit ~/.config/VSCodium/User/settings.json * VSCode: Edit ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json * GUI (both codium and code) * File > Preferences > Settings * In the top right, click the '{}' "Open Settings (JSON)" ---- ===== Cloudformation Template YAML Syntax ===== To add support for CFT yaml syntax{ // Custom tags for the parser to use "yaml.customTags": [ "!And", "!If", "!Not", "!Equals", "!Or", "!FindInMap sequence", "!Base64", "!Cidr", "!Ref", "!Sub", "!GetAtt", "!GetAZs", "!ImportValue", "!Select", "!Select sequence", "!Split", "!Join sequence" ], } ===== Jenkinsfile File Association ===== Associate files that begin with "Jenkinsfile*" to the jenkinsfile file type/syntax checking. { "files.associations": { "Jenkinsfile*": "jenkinsfile" } } ----