====== Template: Bash Script ====== **General Information** Templates for creating two types of bash scripts: - A single script with arguments - A bash script that provides logging and launches a child script. **Checklist** * Distro(s): Any ---- ====== Single Script with Arguments ====== This script has arguments and a usage/help function ready to go. #!/bin/bash # Name: script-name-here.sh # Description: Script description here # Last Modified: 2016-06-21 # Recent Changes: -Change 1 # -Change 2 ##### Customize These Variables ##### # Customization var1="myvar" ##### End of Customize Variables ##### #===================================== # Functions; Main starts after #===================================== function show_usage { echo -e "\n==== Script Name Usage ====" echo -e "\nDescripton: Script description HERE.." echo -e "\n--Usage--" echo -e "-h => Display usage." echo -e "-d argument here => Another function." echo -e "\n--Other Requirements--" echo -e "-> Run as either root or regular user with sudo privileges." echo -e } #======================= # Get Script Arguments #======================= # Reset POSIX variable in case it has been used previously in this shell OPTIND=1 while getopts "hd:" opt; do case "${opt}" in h) # -h (help) argument show_usage exit 0 ;; d) # -d argument-description dir=${OPTARG} ;; *) # invalid argument show_usage exit 0 ;; esac done #=================== # Pre-checks: Make sure we have good options set #=================== # Ensure argument is provided if [[ -z ${dir} ]]; then echo -e ">> ERROR! A directory must be provided as an argument." show_usage exit 1 fi #=================== # Main starts here #=================== # Do some stuff echo -e ">> Doing some stuff at: ${dir}" echo "Hello" >> ${dir}/myfile.txt echo -e "\n============================" echo -e "=- Script Name Completed. -=" echo -e "============================" ---- ====== Script with Logging and Child ====== This type of script has a parent script that provides the logging and control. It launches a child or worker script. ---- ===== Parent Script ===== This is the script to execute that will provide logging and launch the child script. ############################################################################################### #!/bin/bash # Name: script_skel.sh # Description: Template wrapper script for script_worker_skel.sh that provides logging. ############################################################################################### ##### Customize These Variables ##### # Log file log_file="${HOME}/script.log" # Name of worker script to execute worker="script_worker_skel.sh" #### End Customize Variables #### # Store this script's name and figure out the base path script_name="$(basename ${0})" base_path=$(echo ${0} | sed "s/${script_name}//") # Clear log and timestamp the beginning echo -e ">>Logging output and errors to: ${log_file}\n" cat /dev/null > ${log_file} echo -e "---- Log Started: $(date) ----\n" >> ${log_file} ## Execute Script ## ${base_path}${worker} 2>&1 | tee -a ${log_file} # Close log file echo -e "\n---- Log Completed: $(date) ----" >> ${log_file} # Reminder of log file location echo -e "\n>>Logged output and errors was sent to: ${log_file}" ---- ===== Child Script ===== This script does all the work and is launched via its parent script. ############################################################################################### #!/bin/bash # Name: script_worker_skel.sh # Description: Template for a worker script. Launched via parent script: script_skel.sh ############################################################################################### ##### Customize These Variables ##### #variable1="value" ##### End of Customize Variables ##### #### Functions Here: Main Starts After #### # function name{ # #} #### End of Functions #### #================== # Main Starts Here #================== # Pre-checks #============================================================== # Confirm running the script #============================================================== echo -e "======================================================" echo -e "####=============== Name of Script ===============####" echo -e "======================================================" echo echo -e "Warning: This script will..." echo -e "\n=>Continue?[y/n]:\c" read run_script if [[ ${run_script} != "y" ]]; then echo -e "\n>>Will not run the Name of Script. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Do some stuff echo -e "\n======================================================" echo -e "####========== Name of Script Complete ===========####" echo -e "======================================================" ----