====== Screen Tear Fix Kde ====== **General Information** Fixing screen tearing in KDE. **Checklist** * KDE Plasma (KDE 5) ---- ====== Full Screen Repaints ====== Full screen repaints sometimes fix issues. (There is a warning that there is performance impacts, not sure how much) * Open "System Settings" * Under "Hardware", click "Display and Monitor" * Click "Compositor" * Next to "Tearing prevention (vsync):", click the drop down box and select "Full screen repaints" * Click Apply ---- ====== Kwin Environmental Vars ====== The Kwin environmental variables solution does not impact performance like other solutions on the internet suggesting Full Composition Pipelining. \\ * Create a new file and add some environmental variables.sudo vim /etc/profile.d/kwin.sh #!/bin/bash # Prevents screen tearing with NVIDIA Drivers (Only enable 1 at a time) export __GL_YIELD="USLEEP" #export KWIN_TRIPLE_BUFFER=1 * Try first with USLEEP. * If that doesn't help, comment out that line and uncomment the Triple Buffer line. * Source the file to pick up the new variablessource /etc/profile.d/kwin.sh ----