====== Podman Install ====== **General Information** Podman is an OCI (open container initiative) compliant container client and fully docker compatible. Podman allows you to run and perform all of the docker-cli commands without running a docker daemon. ---- ====== Install ====== Installing podman, the drop in replacement for docker cli. ===== Ubuntu 19.04 ==== Install the pre-req and add the PPA sudo apt -y install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:projectatomic/ppa Install podman sudo apt install podman ---- ====== Configure ====== Add dockerhub as a default location to search for short named containers. sudo vim /etc/containers/registries.conf [registries.search] registries = ["docker.io"] ---- ====== Run ====== Since podman does not use a daemon, you can simply inspect/build/run containers and images. Containers can also be run with non-root privileges. The containers use storage at: * Running as normal user: ~/.local/containers/ * Running as root/with sudo: /var/lib/containers/ ===== Commands: Same as docker cli ===== Podman commands are the same as docker cli. See some examples below. \\ Display podman settings/infopodman info \\ Show imagespodman images \\ Show all containerspodman ps -a \\ Run a container interactively and attach a bash shellpodman run -it registryname/image /bin/bash ----