====== Perform Simple SQL Queries Against A Database ====== **General Information** Basic SQL commands. ---- ====== Lab Setup ====== The following virtual machines will be used: * server2.example.com ( -> Database here **Previous Sections Completed** * [[linux_wiki:install_and_configure_mariadb|Install and Configure MariaDB]] * [[linux_wiki:create_a_simple_database_schema|Create a Simple Database Schema]] ---- ====== Basics of SQL: Connect and Navigate ====== Connect to the database mysql -u root -p \\ Show databases on the system MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES; \\ Use a specific database called 'emails' MariaDB [(none)]> USE emails; \\ Show the tables in the database, emails MariaDB [emails]> SHOW TABLES; \\ Show the fields available in a table called 'users' MariaDB [emails]> DESCRIBE users; ====== Basics of SQL: Add,Remove,Modify ====== \\ Insert two new rows/entries into a table (two methods) # Values method MariaDB [emails]> INSERT INTO users (userFirstName,userLastName,userEmailAddress) VALUES ("Robert","Jones","rjones@example.com"); # Set method MariaDB [emails]> INSERT INTO users set userFirstName="Jane", userLastName="Smith", userEmailAddress="jsmith@example.com"; \\ Show all entries from the users table MariaDB [emails]> SELECT * FROM users; \\ Show all entries from the users table where the last name equals "Smith" MariaDB [emails]> SELECT * FROM users WHERE userLastName="Smith"; \\ Delete the entry where the user id is 2 MariaDB [emails]> DELETE FROM users WHERE userID=2; \\ Update the entry of Robert Jones to change the email address MariaDB [emails]> UPDATE users SET userEmailAddress="robert.jones@example.com" WHERE userID=1; ----