====== OS Install: Post Install ====== **General Information** After installing an OS via [[linux_wiki:os_install_kickstart|kickstart]] or a [[linux_wiki:os_install_vm_template|VM Template]], there is typically additional standard configuration performed depending upon the environment. This page demonstrates how to create VM templates and kickstarts that will auto-execute scripts one time for a system's first boot. **Checklist** * Distro(s): Enterprise Linux 6/7 * Other: NFS Server sharing a post install configuration script ---- ====== Firstboot ====== * The firstboot script is executed once. * It is baked into the system via a VM template or kickstart. * It stays generic and calls other external scripts on remote admin systems to do the actual post install configuration. * It also reboots the system and sends an email once it has completed ---- ===== Firstboot: The script ===== This script is meant to run once and then disable itself. It calls other post install script(s) to do the actual work. /root/scripts/firstboot.sh #!/bin/bash # Name: firstboot.sh # Description: Auto runs a post install script 1 time #### Customize These Variables #### nfs_server="" nfs_server_share="${nfs_server}:/scripts" nfs_client_mountpoint="/mnt" post_install_script="${nfs_client_mountpoint}/scripts/postinstall.sh" post_install_log="/root/postinstall.log" # Write a successful run file firstboot_ran_file="/root/.firstboot-ran" # System Admins Group Email system_admins_email='sysadmins@example.com' # Reboot delay in minutes reboot_delay="1" #### End of Customize Variables #### #============================== # Functions; Main Starts After #============================== function check_os_type { ## Gather Distro and Major Version if [ -f /etc/system-release-cpe ];then distro=$(awk -F: '{printf "%s", $3}' /etc/system-release-cpe) major_version=$(awk -F: '{printf "%d", $5}' /etc/system-release-cpe) elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ];then distro=$(awk '{printf "%s", $1}' /etc/redhat-release) major_version=$(awk -F. '{print $1}' /etc/redhat-release | awk '{printf "%d", $3}') fi } #==================== # Main Program #==================== echo -e "================================================" echo -e "####========== Firstboot Script ============####" echo -e "================================================" # Check to see if script has been run before if [[ -f ${firstboot_ran_file} ]]; then echo -e "\nfirstboot>> Error; First boot ran file detected at: ${firstboot_ran_file}!" echo -e "firstboot>> Will NOT execute this script. If you really want to execute, remove that file." exit 1 fi # Discover OS Type check_os_type # Start rpcbind service if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then systemctl start rpcbind else service rpcbind start fi # Try to reach the NFS server 3 times for index in 1 2 3; do ping -c 1 ${nfs_server} &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then # Successful ping, exit loop break else # Unsuccessful; wait 10 seconds and try again echo -e "firstboot>> Could not reach ${nfs_server}. Sleeping for 10 seconds and will try again." sleep 10 fi done # Mount script location echo -e "\nfirstboot>> Mounting script location..." mount -t nfs ${nfs_server_share} ${nfs_client_mountpoint} # Execute post install script echo -e "\nfirstboot>> Executing post install script..." ${post_install_script} if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nfirstboot>> Post install script successful." else echo -e "\nfirstboot>> Error; Post install script exited with error(s)! Quiting..." exit 1 fi #============================================== # Call other post install scripts/actions here #============================================== # Unmount nfs share echo -e "\nfirstboot>> Unmounting nfs share.." umount ${nfs_client_mountpoint} #### Safeguards to prevent firstboot.sh from running more than once #### # Create firstboot-ran file echo -e "\nfirstboot>> Creating firstboot ran file..." echo -e "firstboot>> firstboot.sh was run on $(date)." > ${firstboot_ran_file} chown -v root:root ${firstboot_ran_file} chmod -v 400 ${firstboot_ran_file} # Make script not executable echo -e "\nfirstboot>> Removing execute permissions on this script..." chown -v root:root ${0} chmod -v 400 ${0} # Disable auto execution if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then systemctl disable firstboot.service else sed -i '/firstboot.sh/d' /etc/rc.d/rc.local fi #### End of Safeguards #### # Email notification of completion echo -e "\nfirstboot>> E-mailing notification that the script completed..." echo -e "The firstboot script process has completed for: '$(hostname)' on $(date).\n\nThe following actions have successfully run:\n1) Post install script (System updates, General system configuration)\n2) Other scripts\n\nThe system ($(hostname)) will reboot in ${reboot_delay} minute(s).\n\n--- Post Install Errors and Warnings ---\n$(grep ERROR ${post_install_log})\n$(grep WARNING ${post_install_log})" | /bin/mail -s "Firstboot Complete: $(hostname)" ${system_admins_email} # Allow some time for the email to be sent sleep 5 # Reboot system shutdown -r +${reboot_delay} "firstboot>> Post install script(s) complete. System will be rebooted." ---- ===== Firstboot: CentOS 7 Service ===== Firstboot will get executed on CentOS 7 via a custom systemd service unit. Create the following service unit file: /etc/systemd/system/firstboot.service [Unit] Description=Auto-execute post install scripts After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/root/scripts/firstboot.sh [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ---- ===== Firstboot: CentOS 6 Service ===== CentOS 6 will make use of rc.local to execute the script. Append to: /etc/rc.d/rc.local /root/scripts/firstboot.sh ---- ====== Auto Setup ====== Now that we have a firstboot script and method of executing on boot(CentOS 7 service or CentOS 6 rc.local), the combination of the two can be added to VM templates or kickstarts for unattended execution. ---- ===== Auto Setup: VM Templates ===== The modifications for auto execution need to be done on a new template that is a modification of your base VM template. **Warning**: Do not delete your base template after you have created an auto setup version! If you ever want to update your auto setup template, you will need to deploy from the base template, make changes, and create a new auto setup version. * Deploy a new VM from your base template ([[linux_wiki:os_install_vm_template|Create a base template here]]) * Make the following modifications to the new system. * **CentOS 6**## VM deployed from the base template ## ## Create a script directory for root mkdir /root/scripts ## Mount NFS Server and Copy firstboot.sh to the VM mount -t nfs :/scripts /mnt cp -v /mnt/firstboot.sh /root/scripts/ chown -Rv root:root /root/scripts chmod -Rv 700 /root/scripts ## Create line in rc.local to auto execute firstboot script echo "/root/scripts/firstboot.sh" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local ## Unmount NFS server umount /mnt * [[linux_wiki:os_install_vm_template#centos_6vm_cleanup|Run CentOS 6 clean up commands]] identical to the base template and create a new template. * **CentOS 7**## VM deployed from the base template ## ## Create a script directory for root mkdir /root/scripts ## Mount NFS Server and Copy firstboot.sh to the VM mount -t nfs :/scripts /mnt cp -v /mnt/firstboot.sh /root/scripts/ chown -Rv root:root /root/scripts chmod -Rv 700 /root/scripts ## Copy firstboot.service unit to the VM cp -v /mnt/firstboot.service /etc/systemd/system/ chown -v root:root /etc/systemd/system/firstboot.service chmod -v 644 /etc/systemd/system/firstboot.service systemctl enable firstboot.service ## Unmount NFS server umount /mnt * [[linux_wiki:os_install_vm_template#centos_7vm_cleanup|Run CentOS 7 clean up commands]] identical to the base template and create a new template. ---- ===== Auto Setup: Kickstarts ===== Kickstart files require a post install section to be edited in order for the firstboot script to be placed on a new system. * [[linux_wiki:os_install_kickstart|Create a kickstart file]] as normal * Modify the "%post" section at the bottom to include the following: * **CentOS 6**%post --interpreter /bin/sh --log=root/ks-post.log ( ## Start rpcbind for NFS service rpcbind start ## Mount NFS Server mount -vt nfs /mnt ## Create root's scripts directory mkdir /root/scripts ## Copy the firstboot script to the new directory cp -v /mnt/firstboot.sh /root/scripts/ chown -Rv root:root /root/scripts chmod -Rv 700 /root/scripts ## Create rc.local entry for auto execution on boot echo "/root/scripts/firstboot.sh" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local ## Unmount NFS Server umount -v /mnt ) %end * **CentOS 7**%post --interpreter /bin/sh --log=root/ks-post.log ( ## Start rpcbind for NFS systemctl start rpcbind ## Mount NFS Server mount -vt nfs /mnt ## Create root's scripts directory mkdir /root/scripts ## Copy the firstboot script to the new directory cp -v /mnt/firstboot.sh /root/scripts/ chown -Rv root:root /root/scripts chmod -Rv 700 /root/scripts ## Copy the firstboot service for auto execution on boot cp -v /mnt/firstboot.service /etc/systemd/system/ chown -v root:root /etc/systemd/system/firstboot.service chmod -v 644 /etc/systemd/system/firstboot.service ## Enable firstboot service systemctl enable firstboot.service ## Unmount NFS Server umount -v /mnt ) %end ---- ====== Post Install Script ====== * The post install script is what gets called via the firstboot script. * This script does all the heavy lifting (system updates, configuration, etc). ===== Post Install Script: Parent ===== **Post install script**: Provide logging and error checking #!/bin/bash # Title: postinstall.sh # Description: Wrapper script to start the postinstall_worker.sh script with logging. # Last Updated: 2016-10-24 # Most Recent Changes:-Initial release ####################################################################################### function print_usage { echo echo " Usage: postinstall.sh [-y]" echo echo " This script(${0}), provides logging for its worker script, worker_postinstall.sh" echo echo " Recommended action" echo " 1) Mount: mount -t nfs nfs-server:/admin /mnt" echo " 2) Execute parent script: /mnt/deploy/postinstall.sh [-y]" echo " -y => Yes, execute script without prompting." echo exit 1 } #===================================== # Get Script Arguments #===================================== # Reset POSIX variable in case it has been used previously in this shell OPTIND=1 # By default, do not force run script. Prompt for running or not. force_run_script="no" while getopts "hy" opt; do case "${opt}" in h) # -h (help) argument print_usage exit 0 ;; y) # -y (yes to running script) argument force_run_script="yes" ;; *) # invalid argument print_usage exit 0 ;; esac done ##==================== ## Pre-req checks ##==================== ## Ensure we are root ## if [[ $(id --user) -ne 0 ]]; then echo ">>Error; this script must be run as root. Exiting..." exit 1 fi ##====================== ## Set Script Variables ##====================== # Set base path from executed command (relative or full path works) base_path="$(echo ${0} | sed 's/postinstall.sh//')" # Set log file and script locations postinstall_log="/root/postinstall.log" postinstall_worker="worker_postinstall.sh" ##================ ## Setup Logging ##================ echo -e ">>Logging output and errors to: ${postinstall_log}\n" # Clear log and timestamp the beginning cat /dev/null > ${postinstall_log} echo -e "---- Log Started: $(date) ----\n" >> ${postinstall_log} ##========================= ## Execute External Scripts ##========================= # Start script, pass base path argument if [[ ${force_run_script} == "no" ]]; then ${base_path}${postinstall_worker} -d ${base_path} 2>&1 | tee -a ${postinstall_log} elif [[ ${force_run_script} == "yes" ]]; then ${base_path}${postinstall_worker} -d ${base_path} -y 2>&1 | tee -a ${postinstall_log} else echo -e ">>Error: Unknown value for force_run_script (${force_run_script}). Exiting..." exit 1 fi ##========================== ## Close Logs, Show Location ##========================== # Ending timestamp echo -e "\n---- Log Completed: $(date) ----" >> ${postinstall_log} # Reminder of where the log file is at echo -e "\n>>Logged output and errors were sent to: ${postinstall_log}\n" echo -e "----> Remember to umount NFS before rebooting <----" ===== Post Install Script: Worker ===== **Post install worker**: Perform the actual installations/config work #!/bin/bash # Name: worker_postinstall.sh # Description: Post-install configuration worker script for Enterprise Linux 6/7 # This script is meant to be launched via its parent script: postinstall.sh # Last Updated: 2016-12-14 # Recent Changes:-Fixed services section for EL7; 1 failed service no longer affects others. # -Clamd install/config. Removed fallback for freshclam files. Updated services # section to be EL7 or other specific for target services. ############################################################################################### function print_usage { echo echo " Usage: postinstall.sh [-y]" echo echo " This script(${0}), is a worker script that is meant to be launched" echo " from the parent script: postinstall.sh." echo echo " Recommended action" echo " 1) Mount: mount -t nfs nfs-server:/admin /mnt" echo " 2) Execute parent script: /mnt/deploy/postinstall.sh [-y]" echo " -y => Yes, execute script without prompting." echo exit 1 } function get_os_type { if [ -f /etc/system-release-cpe ];then distro=$(awk -F: '{printf "%s", $3}' /etc/system-release-cpe) major_version=$(awk -F: '{printf "%d", $5}' /etc/system-release-cpe) elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ];then distro=$(awk '{printf "%s", $1}' /etc/redhat-release) major_version=$(awk -F. '{print $1}' /etc/redhat-release | awk '{printf "%d", $3}') fi # ${distro,,} converts to lower case for comparison if [[ ${distro,,} == "centos" || ${distro,,} == "oracle" ]]; then case $major_version in 7) OSTYPE="el7" ;; 6) OSTYPE="el6" ;; 5) echo ">>Error: ${distro} ${major_version} is deprecated." exit 1 ;; *) echo ">>Error: Cannot determine ${distro} major version or version not supported (${major_version})." exit 1 ;; esac else echo ">>Error: Only CentOS and Oracle Linux are supported...exiting." exit 1 fi } #===================================== # Get Script Arguments #===================================== # Reset POSIX variable in case it has been used previously in this shell OPTIND=1 # By default, do not force run script. Prompt for running or not. force_run_script="no" while getopts "hd:y" opt; do case "${opt}" in h) # -h (help) argument print_usage exit 0 ;; d) # -d (directory path) base_path=${OPTARG} ;; y) # -y (yes to running script) argument force_run_script="yes" ;; *) # invalid argument print_usage exit 0 ;; esac done ####================================== #### Main Starts Here ####================================== # Ensure a base path of where we start is passed if [ ! -d "${base_path}" ]; then echo ">>Error: Argument -d 'dir' expected and must be a directory." print_usage fi # Set variables used throughout the script get_os_type #==================================================================== # Confirm running the post install script #==================================================================== echo -e "======================================================" echo -e "####========= Post Install Configuration =========####" echo -e "======================================================" echo echo -e "Warning: Run this on a fresh install only for initial setup." echo -e "Detected Distro: ${distro} ${major_version}" echo -e "OS Family: ${OSTYPE}" echo -e "Using Base Path: ${base_path}" echo -e "=>Continue?[y/n]:\c" if [[ ${force_run_script} == "no" ]]; then read run_script elif [[ ${force_run_script} == "yes" ]]; then echo -e " Force run script detected. Continuing..." run_script="y" else echo -e ">>Error: Unknown value for force_run_script (${force_run_script}). Exiting..." exit 1 fi if [[ ${run_script} != "y" ]]; then echo -e "\n>>Will not run the post install script. Exiting..." exit 1 fi #=================================================================== # Remove some packages #=================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Removing some packages..." # If a Virtual Machine: Remove/Disable biosdevname so network device naming # doesn't change to port/slot naming convention dmidecode | grep -i vmware > /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\n->Checking for biosdevname..." rpm -q biosdevname if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "->Removing biosdevname..." yum -y remove biosdevname # Disable the kernel option for biosdevname if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then # check for "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" on the kernel options line if [[ $(grep GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX /etc/default/grub | grep -o "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" | wc -l) -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "->Disabling biosdevname kernel option..." # remove trailing quote (") and then append: net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" sed -i -r -e "/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX/s/\"$//" /etc/default/grub sed -i -r -e "/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX/s/^(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\".*)/\1 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0\"/g" /etc/default/grub grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg fi else echo -e "->Disabling biosdevname kernel option..." # append biosdevname=0 to the kernel lines sed -i -r -e "/^\s+kernel/s/^(\s+kernel .*)/\1 biosdevname=0/g" /boot/grub/grub.conf fi fi fi ## End of virtual machine check ## # Space separated list of packages to remove remove_packages="NetworkManager abrt setroubleshoot-server" # Remove the packages for package in ${remove_packages}; do echo -e "\n->Checking for ${package}..." rpm -q ${package} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "->Removing ${package}..." yum -y remove ${package} fi done #==================================================================== # Temporary DNS Settings #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Setting temporary DNS settings to ensure a working config..." echo "##== Temp Settings from worker_postinstall.sh ==##" > /etc/resolv.conf echo "search example.com" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo "options timeout:1" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo "options attempts:1" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver ip.address.here" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver ip.address.here" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver ip.address.here" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo -e "->Settings are:" cat /etc/resolv.conf echo -e "\n>>Removing interface DNS over rides..." sed -i '/^DNS.*/d' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* #==================================================================== # Register with Spacewalk - or other systems management app #==================================================================== #========================= # Spacewalk Customization #========================= # Spacewalk server fqdn hostname sw_server="spacewalk.example.com" # Spacewalk server's ssl ca rpm version and installed location #(this is the package available at: https://${sw_server}/pub/${sw_server_ca}) sw_server_ca="rhn-org-trusted-ssl-cert-1.0-1.noarch.rpm" sw_server_ca_installed="/usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT" # Spacewalk server channel activation keys sw_activation_key_centos6_32bit="1-centos6_i386_key" sw_activation_key_centos6_64bit="1-centos6_x86-64_key" sw_activation_key_centos7_64bit="1-centos7_x86-64_key" sw_activation_key_oracle6_64bit="1-oracle6_x86-64_key" sw_activation_key_oracle7_64bit="1-oracle7_x86-64_key" # Repos and GPG Keys sw_client_repo_gpgkey="http://${sw_server}/pub/repos/RPM-GPG-KEY-spacewalk-2015" sw_client_repo_el6="http://${sw_server}/pub/repos/spacewalk-client-repo-2.4-3.el6.noarch.rpm" sw_client_repo_el7="http://${sw_server}/pub/repos/spacewalk-client-repo-2.4-3.el7.noarch.rpm" sw_epel_repo_el6_gpgkey="http://${sw_server}/pub/repos/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6" sw_epel_repo_el7_gpgkey="http://${sw_server}/pub/repos/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7" sw_epel_repo_el6="http://${sw_server}/pub/repos/epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm" sw_epel_repo_el7="http://${sw_server}/pub/repos/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm" #====================== # End of Customization #====================== echo -e "\n\n>>Registering with Spacewalk..." ## Pre-Register Checks ## echo -e "\n->Performing pre-registration system checks..." #Store system architecture so we aren't calling uname multiple times system_arch=$(uname -i) if [[ ${system_arch} != "x86_64" && ${system_arch} != "i386" ]]; then echo -e "->Error: Only x86_64 or i386 architecture channels supported at this time." register_with_spacewalk="no" else if [[ ${distro,,} == "centos" ]]; then case $major_version in 7) ## CentOS 7 Register - Set spacewalk client repo, epel, activation key ## if [[ ${system_arch} != "x86_64" ]]; then echo -e "->Error: Only ${distro} ${major_version} x86_64 architecture channels supported at this time." register_with_spacewalk="no" else sw_client_repo="${sw_client_repo_el7}" sw_epel_repo="${sw_epel_repo_el7}" sw_epel_repo_gpgkey="${sw_epel_repo_el7_gpgkey}" sw_activation_key="${sw_activation_key_centos7_64bit}" register_with_spacewalk="yes" fi ;; 6) ## CentOS 6 Register - Set spacewalk client repo, epel, activation key ## sw_client_repo="${sw_client_repo_el6}" sw_epel_repo="${sw_epel_repo_el6}" sw_epel_repo_gpgkey="${sw_epel_repo_el6_gpgkey}" if [[ ${system_arch} == "x86_64" ]]; then sw_activation_key="${sw_activation_key_centos6_64bit}" else sw_activation_key="${sw_activation_key_centos6_32bit}" fi register_with_spacewalk="yes" ;; *) echo "-> Warning: No Spacewalk channel available for ${distro} ${major_version}." register_with_spacewalk="no" ;; esac elif [[ ${distro,,} == "oracle" ]]; then case ${major_version} in 7) # Oracle 7 register - Set spacewalk client repo, epel, activation key ## if [[ ${system_arch} != "x86_64" ]]; then echo -e "->Error: Only ${distro} ${major_version} x86_64 architecture channels supported at this time." register_with_spacewalk="no" else sw_client_repo="${sw_client_repo_el7}" sw_epel_repo="${sw_epel_repo_el7}" sw_epel_repo_gpgkey="${sw_epel_repo_el7_gpgkey}" sw_activation_key="${sw_activation_key_oracle7_64bit}" register_with_spacewalk="yes" fi ;; 6) ## Oracle 6 register - Set spacewalk client repo, epel, activation key ## if [[ ${system_arch} != "x86_64" ]]; then echo -e "->Error: Only ${distro} ${major_version} x86_64 architecture channels supported at this time." register_with_spacewalk="no" else sw_client_repo="${sw_client_repo_el6}" sw_epel_repo="${sw_epel_repo_el6}" sw_epel_repo_gpgkey="${sw_epel_repo_el6_gpgkey}" sw_activation_key="${sw_activation_key_oracle6_64bit}" register_with_spacewalk="yes" fi ;; *) echo "-> Warning: No Spacewalk channel available for ${distro} ${major_version}." register_with_spacewalk="no" ;; esac else echo -e "-> Warning: ${distro} not supported. Only CentOS and Oracle channels available at this time." register_with_spacewalk="no" fi # end of distro == centos, elif oracle check fi # end of architecture check ## Begin Registration Process ## if [[ ${register_with_spacewalk} == "yes" ]]; then # Add Repos # echo -e "\n->Adding Spacewalk Client Repo..." rpm -v --import ${sw_client_repo_gpgkey} rpm -ivh ${sw_client_repo} echo -e "\n->Adding EPEL Repo..." rpm -v --import ${sw_epel_repo_gpgkey} rpm -ivh ${sw_epel_repo} echo -e "\n->Making yum cache..." yum makecache fast # Install Spacewalk's CA Cert # echo -e "\n>> Installing ${sw_server}'s trusted CA cert..." rpm -ivh https://${sw_server}/pub/${sw_server_ca} echo -e "\n->Caching DNS lookup for mirrors.fedoraproject.org..." dig mirrors.fedoraproject.org &> /dev/null # Install Client Packages echo -e "\n->Installing rhn client packages..." yum -y install rhn-client-tools rhn-check rhn-setup rhnsd m2crypto yum-rhn-plugin # Register # echo -e "\n>> Registering with ${sw_server}..." rhnreg_ks --serverUrl=https://${sw_server}/XMLRPC --sslCACert=${sw_server_ca_installed} --activationkey=${sw_activation_key} registration_return_code=$? if [[ ${registration_return_code} -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "->Registration successful." sw_registered="yes" # Show website echo -e "->System should now appear in the Spacewalk portal at: https://${sw_server}/rhn/systems/Registered.do" sleep 2 # Install Config Management Packages echo -e "\n->Installing rhn configuration management client packages..." yum -y install rhncfg rhncfg-actions rhncfg-client rhncfg-management # Allow Spacewalk server to deploy config files echo -e "\n->Enabling Spacewalk server deploy control..." rhn-actions-control --enable-all # Deploy spacewalk-checkin cron job (runs rhn_check every 30 mins) echo -e "\n>> Deploying /etc/cron.d/spacewalk-checkin job..." rhncfg-client get /etc/cron.d/spacewalk-checkin # If not successful, create a minimum job file grep --quiet "This Config Managed by Spacewalk" /etc/cron.d/spacewalk-checkin if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "# Spacewalk - Check in to the Spacewalk Server via rhn_check" > /etc/cron.d/spacewalk-checkin echo 'MAILTO=""' >> /etc/cron.d/spacewalk-checkin echo "*/30 * * * * root /usr/sbin/rhn_check" >> /etc/cron.d/spacewalk-checkin echo -e "\n>> Setting permissions on /etc/cron.d/spacewalk-checkin..." chmod -v 600 /etc/cron.d/spacewalk-checkin fi ## Disable rhnsd (not needed because of cron job "spacewalk-checkin" ## echo -e "\n>> Disabling rhnsd(not needed because of cron job 'spacewalk-checkin'..." if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then systemctl disable rhnsd systemctl stop rhnsd else chkconfig rhnsd off service rhnsd stop fi ## Add Custom GPG Key - If you created a custom Repo on Spacewalk ## sw_custom_repo_gpgkey="http://${sw_server}/pub/repos/RPM-GPG-KEY-Custom" echo -e "\n>> Adding Custom GPG key from: ${sw_custom_repo_gpgkey}" rpm -v --import ${sw_custom_repo_gpgkey} ## Deploy Config Files - If you are managing config files on Spacewalk ## echo -e "\n->Deploying OS specific config files..." for FILE in $(rhncfg-client list | awk /el${major_version}-os/'{print $3}'); do rhncfg-client get ${FILE} done echo -e "\n->Deploying Base config files..." for FILE in $(rhncfg-client list | awk /base/'{print $3}'); do rhncfg-client get ${FILE} done ## Disable Old Repos ## if [[ ${distro,,} == "centos" ]]; then # Disable CentOS default system repos echo -e "\n->Disabling default CentOS repos..." for FILE in /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*.repo; do sed -i 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/' ${FILE} sed -i '/gpgcheck/a enabled=0' ${FILE} done elif [[ ${distro,,} == "oracle" ]]; then # Disable Oracle default system repos echo -e "\n-> Disabling default Oracle repos..." for FILE in /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol*.repo; do sed -i 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/' ${FILE} sed -i '/gpgcheck/a enabled=0' ${FILE} done fi # Disable temporary epel repo echo -e "\n->Disabling default epel repos..." sed -i 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/' /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo sed -i 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/' /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-testing.repo # Show repos echo -e "\n->Active repos are:" yum repolist elif [[ ${registration_return_code} -eq 255 ]]; then echo -e "-> Registration encountered an error! (Return Code: ${registration_return_code})" echo -e "\n-> To manually force registration(if that is the problem), copy/paste: rhnreg_ks --force --serverUrl=https://${sw_server}/XMLRPC --sslCACert=${sw_server_ca_installed} --activationkey=${sw_activation_key}" echo -e "\n--> WARNING: This may create duplicate systems in Spacewalk." echo -e "\n-> Once registered, manually complete the rest of the process: rhn-actions-control --enable-all; rhncfg-client get /etc/cron.d/spacewalk-checkin" echo -e "-> Then disable non Base,Extra,Updates,and EPEL repos." sw_registered="no" else # Registration was not successful echo -e "-> Registration encountered an error! (Return Code: ${registration_return_code})" echo -e "-> Will NOT install setup spacewalk-checkin job and disable default repos." sw_registered="no" fi else echo -e "-> WARNING: Will NOT register system with Spacewalk." sw_registered="no" fi ## End Registration Process ## #==================================================================== # Install system packages #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Ensuring base system packages are installed..." yum -y install bash-completion bind-utils dmidecode iotop lsof mailx man mlocate nfs-utils openssh-clients perl psmisc rsync tcpdump vim-enhanced wget yum-utils echo -e "\n->Ensuring man pages are up to date..." if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then mandb else makewhatis fi echo -e "\n->Ensure lastlog exists..." touch /var/log/lastlog #==================================================================== # Configure Grub #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Configuring Grub..." echo -e "\n->Setting grub timeout to 3..." if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then sed -i 's/^GRUB_TIMEOUT=[0-9]*/GRUB_TIMEOUT=3/' /etc/default/grub else sed -i 's/^timeout=[0-9]*/timeout=3/' /boot/grub/grub.conf fi echo -e "\n->Removing 'hiddenmenu'..." if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then echo -e "->Nothing to do for EL 7." else sed -i '/hiddenmenu/d' /boot/grub/grub.conf fi echo -e "\n->No picture while booting..." if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then sed -i 's/ rhgb//g' /etc/default/grub else sed -i 's/ rhgb//g' /boot/grub/grub.conf fi echo -e "\n->No 'quiet' booting..." if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then sed -i 's/ quiet//g' /etc/default/grub else sed -i 's/ quiet//g' /boot/grub/grub.conf fi if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then echo -e "\n->Generating grub config..." grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg fi #==================================================================== # Install and configure time protocol #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Installing and configuring time protocol..." if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then echo -e "\n->Removing NTP, installing Chrony..." yum -y remove ntp yum -y install chrony time_config="chrony.conf" else echo -e "\n->Installing NTP..." yum -y install ntp time_config="ntp.conf" fi echo -e "\n->Initial time sync..." if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then echo -e "->Chrony automatically syncs time upon startup quickly; do nothing here." else ntpd -gxq sleep 1 ntpd -gxq sleep 1 ntpd -gxq sleep 1 fi echo -e "\n->Starting and enabling the time service..." if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then systemctl restart chronyd systemctl enable chronyd else service ntpd restart chkconfig ntpd on fi #==================================================================== # System Updates #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Running system updates..." yum -y update #==================================================================== # Configure OS settings #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Configuring OS settings..." # Not in Spacewalk Config Channels echo -e "\n->Non-Spacewalk Managed configs (remove motd, at.allow, cron.allow)..." rm -fv /etc/motd \cp -v ${base_path}os-agnostic/etc/at.allow /etc/at.allow \cp -v ${base_path}os-agnostic/etc/cron.allow /etc/cron.allow # Ensure proper ownership and permissions chown -v root:root /etc/at.allow /etc/cron.allow chmod -v 600 /etc/at.allow /etc/cron.allow #==================================================================== # Setup Mail #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Configuring mail..." # Setup alias for root's mail mail_aliases='root: sysadmins@example.com' echo -e "\n->Setting the following root alias in /etc/aliases: ${mail_aliases}" sed -i -r -e "s/^#?root.*/${mail_aliases}/" /etc/aliases echo -e "\n->Rebuilding aliases.db..." newaliases # Determine if using postfix or sendmail, setup config echo -e "\n->Checking for postfix and sendmail packages..." rpm -q postfix postfix_installed="$?" rpm -q sendmail sendmail_installed="$?" if [[ ${postfix_installed} -eq 0 ]]; then mail_client="postfix" echo -e "\n->Detected mail client is: ${mail_client}. Configuring..." elif [[ ${sendmail_installed} -eq 0 ]]; then mail_client="sendmail" echo -e "\n->Detected mail client is: ${mail_client}. Configuring..." else mail_client="" echo -e "\n>>Error! Could not detect an installed postfix or sendmail config." fi if [[ ${mail_client} == "postfix" || ${mail_client} == "sendmail" ]]; then echo -e "\n->Starting up mail client: ${mail_client}..." if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then systemctl start ${mail_client} systemctl enable ${mail_client} else service ${mail_client} start chkconfig ${mail_client} on fi fi #==================================================================== # Setup Authentication (IPA) - or other LDAP source #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Configuring Authentication(IPA)..." echo -e "\n->Installing IPA Client packages..." yum -y install ipa-client case ${OSTYPE} in "el7") # EL7 IPA Config # Unattended install echo -e "\n->Running IPA Unattended realm join..." ipa-client-install --domain=example.com --server=ipaserver01.example.com --server=ipaserver02.example.com --mkhomedir --no-dns-sshfp --fixed-primary --hostname=$(hostname | sed 's/.example.com//' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').example.com --no-ntp --principal autoenroll --password= --unattended --force-join if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # ipa-client-install exited with a non-zero status echo -e "->ERROR! ipa-client-install encountered an error! Is the host added to the IPA servers?" echo -e "->WARNING: System not joined to IPA." else # ipa-client-install realm join was successful # fix sshd config: ipa-client-install modifies sshd, breaking it if there are any Match statements echo -e "\n->Redeploying sshd config and restart the service..." rhncfg-client get /etc/ssh/sshd_config systemctl restart sshd echo -e "\n->Ensuring nscd/nslcd is disabled..." systemctl stop nslcd nscd systemctl disable nslcd nscd echo -e "\n->Disabling ldap identification,ldap auth, and force legacy (sssd used instead)..." authconfig --disableldap --disableldapauth --disableforcelegacy --update echo -e "\n->Restarting sssd..." systemctl restart sssd echo -e "\n->Starting and enabling oddjobd..." systemctl start oddjobd systemctl enable oddjobd fi ;; # END of EL7 IPA Config "el6") # EL6 IPA Config # Unattended install echo -e "\n->Running IPA Unattended realm join..." ipa-client-install --domain=example.com --server=ipaserver02.example.com --server=ipaserver01.example.com --mkhomedir --no-dns-sshfp --fixed-primary --hostname=$(hostname | sed 's/.example.com//' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').example.com --no-ntp --principal autoenroll --password= --unattended --force-join if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # ipa-client-install exited with a non-zero status echo -e "->ERROR! ipa-client-install encountered an error! Is the host added to the IPA servers?" echo -e "->WARNING: System not joined to IPA." else # ipa-client-install realm join was successful # fix sshd config: ipa-client-install modifies sshd, breaking it if there are any Match statements echo -e "\n->Redeploying sshd config and restart the service..." rhncfg-client get /etc/ssh/sshd_config service sshd restart echo -e "\n->Ensuring nscd/nslcd is disabled..." service nslcd stop service nscd stop chkconfig nslcd off chkconfig nscd off echo -e "\n->Disabling ldap identification,ldap auth, and force legacy (sssd used instead)..." authconfig --disableldap --disableldapauth --disableforcelegacy --update echo -e "\n->Restarting sssd..." service sssd restart echo -e "\n->Starting and enabling oddjobd..." service messagebus start service oddjobd start chkconfig messagebus on chkconfig oddjobd on echo -e "\n->Adding client idle timeout to sssd.conf (cron fix for EL6 bug)..." if [[ $(grep client_idle_timeout /etc/sssd/sssd.conf) ]]; then echo -e "->Client idle timeout found in sssd.conf, will not append" else sed -i '/services = nss, sudo, pam, ssh/ a\client_idle_timeout=75' /etc/sssd/sssd.conf service sssd restart service crond restart fi fi ;; # END of EL6 IPA Config esac #==================================================================== # Setup monitoring client #==================================================================== # Install and configure system monitoring client here #==================================================================== # Install Extra System Packages, EPEL Repo, and EPEL Packages #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Installing extra packages..." # Space separated package list SYS_PKGS="sysstat" echo -e "\n->Installing extra system packages: ${SYS_PKGS}" yum -y install ${SYS_PKGS} # Check to see if Spacewalk has registered the EPEL repo echo -e "\n->Checking for Spacewalk EPEL repo..." yum repolist | grep ".*_epel" epel_added="$?" if [[ ${epel_added} -eq 0 ]]; then # EPEL repo was found in yum repolist echo -e "\n->EPEL repo detected. Will not add again." else # EPEL repo was NOT found in yum repolist; Add EPEL Repo echo -e "\n->EPEL repo not found; Adding EPEL repo..." yum -y install epel-release echo -e "\n->Caching mirrors.fedoraproject.org with dig...\n" dig mirrors.fedoraproject.org > /dev/null echo -e "\n->Listing repos to build cache..." yum repolist if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "\n->Repo list error...attempting to fix." yum clean all yum repolist if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "\n->STILL repolist error...probably because of EPEL. Trying to reinstall..." yum -y remove epel-release yum clean all yum -y install epel-release echo -e "\n->Caching mirrors.fedoraproject.org with dig...\n" dig mirrors.fedoraproject.org > /dev/null echo -e "\n->Listing repos to build cache..." yum repolist fi fi fi # end of yum repolist grep # Space separated package list EPEL_PKGS="clamav clamav-update iperf" echo -e "\n->Installing EPEL packages: ${EPEL_PKGS}" yum -y install ${EPEL_PKGS} #==================================================================== # Configure Extra Packages #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Configuring extra packages..." echo -e "\n->Removing 'REMOVE ME' lines from /etc/sysconfig/freshclam..." if [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/freshclam ]]; then sed -i '/REMOVE ME/d' /etc/sysconfig/freshclam else echo -e "->Skipping => /etc/sysconfig/freshclam does not exist." fi #==================================================================== # System Services --- Startup #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Starting some services..." # Space separated services list SERVICES_START="auditd clamd" SERVICES_START_EL7="auditd clamd@scan" if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then echo -e "\n->Attempting to start: ${SERVICES_START_EL7}" for SYSTEM_SERVICE in ${SERVICES_START_EL7}; do systemctl start ${SYSTEM_SERVICE} done else echo -e "\n->Attempting to start: ${SERVICES_START}" for SYSTEM_SERVICE in ${SERVICES_START}; do service ${SYSTEM_SERVICE} start done fi #==================================================================== # System Services --- Enable on boot #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Enabling some services..." # Space separated services list SERVICES_ON="auditd clamd oddjobd ${mail_client}" SERVICES_ON_EL7="auditd clamd@scan oddjobd ${mail_client}" if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then echo -e "\n->Attempting to enable: ${SERVICES_ON_EL7}" for SYSTEM_SERVICE in ${SERVICES_ON_EL7}; do systemctl enable ${SYSTEM_SERVICE} done else echo -e "\n->Attempting to enable: ${SERVICES_ON}" for SYSTEM_SERVICE in ${SERVICES_ON}; do chkconfig ${SYSTEM_SERVICE} on done fi #==================================================================== # System Services --- Stop #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Stopping some services..." # Space separated services list SERVICES_STOP="kdump saslauthd" SERVICES_STOP_EL7="kdump saslauthd" if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then echo -e "\n->Attempting to stop: ${SERVICES_STOP_EL7}" for SYSTEM_SERVICE in ${SERVICES_STOP_EL7}; do systemctl stop ${SYSTEM_SERVICE} done else echo -e "\n->Attempting to stop: ${SERVICES_STOP}" for SYSTEM_SERVICE in ${SERVICES_STOP}; do service ${SYSTEM_SERVICE} stop done fi #==================================================================== # System Services --- Disable #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n>>Disabling some services..." # Space separated services list SERVICES_OFF="kdump saslauthd" SERVICES_OFF_EL7="kdump saslauthd" if [[ ${major_version} == "7" ]]; then echo -e "\n->Attempting to disable: ${SERVICES_OFF_EL7}" for SYSTEM_SERVICE in ${SERVICES_OFF_EL7}; do systemctl disable ${SYSTEM_SERVICE} done else echo -e "\n->Attempting to disable: ${SERVICES_OFF}" for SYSTEM_SERVICE in ${SERVICES_OFF}; do chkconfig ${SYSTEM_SERVICE} off done fi #==================================================================== # Post Installation Completed #==================================================================== echo -e "\n\n#==================================================================" echo "# Post Install Configuration Completed. - A reboot is recommended." echo "#==================================================================" exit 0 ----