====== Net-snmp ====== **General Information** How to install the net-snmp service for monitoring. **Checklist** * Distro(s): Enterprise Linux ---- ===== Install and Configure net-snmp ===== * Install net snmpyum install net-snmp-utils net-snmp \\ * Create the SNMPv3 Usernet-snmp-create-v3-user -ro -A -X -a SHA -x AES * Example:net-snmp-create-v3-user -ro -A MyAuthPW123 -X MyEncryptPW123 -a SHA -x AES systempoller \\ * Comment out default user and groupsed -i 's/^com2sec notConfigUser/#com2sec notConfigUser/' /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf sed -i 's/^group notConfigGroup/#group notConfigGroup/' /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf \\ * Start the snmpd service * EL7systemctl start snmpd * EL6service snmpd start \\ * Configure service to start at boot * EL7systemctl enable snmpd * EL6chkconfig snmpd on \\ * Test the usersnmpwalk -u -A -a SHA -X -x AES -l authPriv -v3 | head ---- ===== SNMP Config File ===== Location: /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf \\ Configure SNMP System Information syslocation Datacenter, Row 3, Rack 2 syscontact UNIX Admin ----