====== Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Systems As Virtual Guests ====== **General Information** Installing RHEL as a virtual machine. ---- ===== GUI Method: Virtual Machine Manager ===== - Applications > System Tools > Virtual Machine Manager - File > New Virtual Machine - Follow prompts to select installation source and configure VM specs. - Install OS as normal. - Login to OS and enable network interface at boot time. ---- ===== CLI Method: Virt-Install ===== The CLI method uses the command "virt-install". Run by itself, you will see the required options virt-install ERROR --name is required --memory amount in MiB is required --disk storage must be specified (override with --disk none) An install method must be specified (--location URL, --cdrom CD/ISO, --pxe, --import, --boot hd|cdrom|...) \\ Example virt-install virt-install \ --name=server1.example.com \ --vcpus 2 \ --memory 1024 \ --disk size=20 \ --location \ --extra-args="console=ttyS0 ks=" * name => fully qualified hostname of VM * vcpus 2 => give guest VM 2 CPUs * memory => in MBs * disk size => in GB (since no disk path is specified, it will be stored in the default location /var/lib/libvirt/images/) * location => location of installation files * extra-args => a console is specified so CLI console access is enabled if needed and a path to a kickstart file will be used for install. ----