====== Create A Simple Database Schema ====== **General Information** Creating a simple database in MariaDB. ---- ====== Lab Setup ====== The following virtual machines will be used: * server2.example.com ( -> Database here **Previous Section Completed** * [[linux_wiki:install_and_configure_mariadb|Install and Configure MariaDB]] ---- ====== Basic Database Commands ====== Connect to the database mysql -u root -p \\ Show databases available MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES; \\ Open a database MariaDB [(none)]> USE mysql; \\ Display tables in the database MariaDB [(mysql)]> SHOW TABLES; \\ Display all (SELECT *) contents of the table 'host' MariaDB [(mysql)]> SELECT * FROM host; \\ Show details of the table 'host' MariaDB [(mysql)]> DESCRIBE host; ---- ====== Create a Database ====== \\ Create a database called 'emails' MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE emails; \\ Open the new database MariaDB [(none)]> USE emails; \\ Create a new table in the emails database MariaDB [emails]> CREATE TABLE users (userID INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, userFirstName CHAR(50), userLastName CHAR(50), userEmailAddress CHAR(50)) AUTO_INCREMENT = 100; * When you create a table, you must define the names of the columns and the type of data they should contain * Column Definitions * userID INT -> Named userID and of type integer * AUTO_INCREMENT -> Auto increment the entries in this column * PRIMARY KEY -> The userid column is the primary sorting key * userFirstName char(25) -> Named userFirstName and of type characters up to 25 long * Table Options * AUTO_INCREMENT = 100 -> Start userid at 100 \\ Show the tables in the emails DB, display contents of the users table, show the data types in the users table. MariaDB [emails]> SHOW TABLES; MariaDB [emails]> SELECT * FROM users; MariaDB [emails]> DESCRIBE users; ----