====== Configure Networking And Hostname Resolution Statically Or Dynamically ====== **General Information** Networking has changed from RHEL 6 to 7. You can still edit network scripts in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/, but the "preferred" method is using front end tools that tie into the NetworkManager service. ---- ===== Troubleshooting Tools ===== Show IP Address of Devices ip addr show * ifconfig is deprecated in RHEL 7. \\ Show all Established Connections ss \\ Show Established and Listening TCP Connections ss -ant flags: * a => show both established and listening * t => show tcp connections * n => do not resolve service names (ports) \\ Other tools to use: * ping -c 5 (send 5 pings) * traceroute * tracepath * netstat - netstat has been deprecated (use ss instead), but can still be installed as part of the net-tools package ---- ===== Network Manager ===== NetworkManager is the default network service in RHEL 7. * Main Service = NetworkManager.service * Tools to interface with NetworkManager * nm-connection-editor (GUI) * nmtui (ncurses based) * nmcli (cli) * Fallback service = network.service * This uses the traditional network scripts in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ as a fallback if NetworkManager is not in control of an interface. \\ Open GUI for network connections (GUI Only) nm-connection-editor \\ Open text based wizard nmtui \\ ==== CLI Tool: nmcli ==== nmcli makes configuration changes to files in: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ These files can alternatively be modified manually. \\ Network Device Status nmcli dev status \\ Show all connection configurations nmcli con show * Configurations location: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ \\ Example: Create new connection (dhcp) nmcli con add con-name "mycon" autoconnect yes type ethernet ifname eth1 \\ Example: Create new connection (static ip) nmcli con add con-name "mycon-static" autoconnect yes type ethernet ifname eth1 ipv4.method manual ip4 gw4 * The above produces the following config: * /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-mycon-staticTYPE=Ethernet # from: 'type ethernet' BOOTPROTO=none # from: 'ipv4.method manual' IPADDR= # from: 'ip4' PREFIX=24 # from: 'ipv' GATEWAY= # from: 'gw4' DEFROUTE=yes IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=no IPV6INIT=yes IPV6_AUTOCONF=yes IPV6_DEFROUTE=yes IPV6_PEERDNS=yes IPV6_PEERROUTES=yes IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL=no NAME=mycon-static # from: 'con-name "mycon-static"' UUID=f7e0c9af-715d-43da-9576-e6ce218d0c28 DEVICE=eth1 # from: 'ifname eth1' ONBOOT=yes # from: 'autoconnect yes' \\ Show only active connections nmcli con show --active \\ Bring connections up/down nmcli con down "mycon-static" nmcli con up "mycon" \\ Change an existing connection's IP and Gateway nmcli con mod eth0 ipv4.addresses nmcli con mod eth0 ipv4.gateway nmcli con mod eth0 ipv4.method manual nmcli con up eth0 * Changes do not take place until "nmcli con up eth0" ---- ===== Hostname Configuration ===== View current hostname hostname \\ Set **temporary**(transient) hostname hostname myserver.domain.com exec bash \\ View detailed hostname information hostnamectl * static hostname (stored in: /etc/hostname) - used to initialize kernel at boot (persistent) * transient hostname - assigned temporarily due to network configuration, may revert back to static if network connectivity is lost * pretty hostname (stored in: /etc/machine-info) - little restrictions on characters used \\ Set **persistent**(static) hostname hostnamectl set-hostname myserver.com \\ Order of name resolution (hosts entry) /etc/nsswitch.conf #....other entries above # hosts: search local files and then DNS hosts: files dns #....other entries below \\ System wide dns name server entries (static or network manager generated) /etc/resolv.conf # Generated by NetworkManager search us-west-2.compute.internal nameserver \\ Local system hostname resolution and example entry /etc/hosts # IP Hostname Aliases myserver01.example.com website.domain.com \\ **Add DNS** (not replace) for eth0 with nmcli or with config file * nmcli method nmcli con show (observe NAME field) nmcli con mod "System eth0" +ipv4.dns * Edit files directly method vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DNS1= * Apply changes: Issue nmcli command or restart NetworkManager * nmcli methodnmcli con up eth0 * Service restartsystemctl restart NetworkManager ----