====== Configure Firewall Settings Using Firewall-config Firewall-cmd Or Iptables ====== **General Information** Firewalld is a new zone based firewall in RHEL 7. It replaces iptables. ---- ===== Firewall Stack ===== * firewall-config => GUI Frontend for firewalld * firewall-cmd => Cmd line frontend for firewalld * firewalld => Daemon that interacts with the Linux kernel's packet filter, Netfilter * cannot be used at the same time as iptables * iptables => Interacts with the Linux kernel's packet filter, Netfilter * cannot be used at the same time as firewalld ---- ===== Firewalld (firewall-cmd, firewall-config) ===== Install and start firewall packages (included by default on base, not minimum install) yum install firewalld firewall-config systemctl start firewalld systemctl enable firewalld \\ View zone names firewall-cmd --get-zones \\ View default zone firewall-cmd --get-default-zone * Zone "public" applies to all interfaces (the catch all) \\ View current rules (default zone) firewall-cmd --list-all \\ View rules, specify zone firewall-cmd --zone=home --list-all \\ View all zones rules firewall-cmd --list-all-zones \\ Add source IP network for home zone (Runtime change) firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-source= * Runtime/Non-persistent changes are instant, but don't survive a reload/reboot \\ Permanent change (survives firewall reload or system reboot) firewall-cmd --zone=home --permanent --add-source= firewall-cmd --reload * Permanent changes do not take effect until a firewall-cmd --reload \\ Allow HTTP on default zone (instant change and also permanent) firewall-cmd --add-port=80/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp \\ Launch GUI, firewall-config firewall-config ---- ===== iptables ===== You can use iptables, but it is recommended to use firewall-cmd instead. Using iptables instead requires disabling firewalld, installing iptables-services, and then enabling the iptables service. ----