====== Configure Additional Options Described In Documentation ====== **General Information** Additional SSH options. ---- ====== Lab Setup ====== The following virtual machines will be used: * server1.example.com ( -> The SSH client * server2.example.com ( -> The SSH server ---- ====== Initial Setup ====== Install package and generates system keys (should almost always be installed) yum install openssh-server * openssl is a dependency \\ Enable and start sshd systemctl enable sshd systemctl start sshd \\ Allow through firewall firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=ssh firewall-cmd --reload ====== SSHD Config File ====== * SSH Daemon config file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config * Configure additional options here * See man sshd_config Some useful options * Port -> TCP listening port for sshd * PermitRootLogin -> Allow/disallow root login * MaxAuthTries -> Number of authentication tries. When 1/2 the number is reached, failures are logged. * MaxSessions -> Max number of ssh sessions from one IP address * AllowUsers -> Space-separated list of users allowed to connect * DenyUsers -> Space-separated list of users to deny conections * PasswordAuthentication -> Whether to allow password authentication or not. * GSSAPIAuthentication -> Authentication through GSSAPI enabled or disabled. Used for kerberos * ClientAliveInterval -> Interval in seconds packets are sent to the client to see if the client is still alive. * ClientAliveCountMax -> Number of client alive packets to send. * UseDNS -> Use DNS name lookup to match an incoming IP address to name. (if on) ----