====== Configure Access Restrictions On Directories ====== **General Information** Access restrictions on Apache Web Server/private directories. ---- ====== Lab Setup ====== The following virtual machines will be used: * server1.example.com ( -> Perform all connectivity tests from here * server2.example.com ( -> Install Apache Web Server here **Previous Sections Completed** * [[linux_wiki:network_services_overview_apache_web_server|Install/Configure]] * Except leave listening on port 80/tcp * [[linux_wiki:configure_a_virtual_host|Virtual Host Config]] ---- ====== Prerequisite: Basic Setup ====== Create the redsite virtualhost. \\ server2: Add redsite to vhosts.confvim /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf ServerName redsite.example.com DocumentRoot /data/redsite ErrorLog logs/redsite-error_log CustomLog logs/redsite-access_log combined Options None AllowOverride None Require all granted \\ Check syntax apachectl configtest \\ Apply Config apachectl restart \\ server1: Update host name resolution vim /etc/hosts server2 bluesite.example.com redsite.example.com ---- ====== Restrict Access to a Directory ====== ===== Setup Directory and SELinux ===== Create the directory structure mkdir -p /data/redsite/private \\ Create an index file echo 'This is the RED SITE.' > /data/redsite/index.html \\ Create a private index file echo "This is for certain people to view only." > /data/redsite/private/index.html \\ SELinux: Check normal httpd content contexts vs new directory ls -lZ /var/www ls -lZ /data/redsite * You will see that /var/www/html has "httpd_sys_content_t" and /data/redsite/index.html does not. This will need to be changed. \\ SELinux: Give new directory the correct SELinux httpd context semanage fcontext -at httpd_sys_content_t "/data/redsite(/.*)?" restorecon -Rv /data/redsite/ * Reminder: man semanage-fcontext (EXAMPLE at the bottom) ===== Restrict Access ===== **Help**: Available if you installed 'httpd-manual'elinks /usr/share/httpd/manual/howto/auth.html \\ Create password for the user htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf/userdb user1 * Prompted for a password \\ Edit the vhosts.conf file and add this additional Directory part in the redsite virtualhost vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf ServerName redsite.example.com DocumentRoot /data/redsite #....SNIP....# AuthType Basic AuthName "Restricted Area" AuthUserFile "/etc/httpd/conf/userdb" Require valid-user \\ Restart Apache systemctl restart httpd \\ Visit restricted directory elinks http://redsite.example.com/private/ * elinks may need to be installed first (yum install elinks) ----