====== Configure A Virtual Host ====== **General Information** Red Hat preferred method of configuring virtual hosts. ---- ====== Lab Setup ====== The following virtual machines will be used: * server1.example.com ( -> Perform all connectivity tests from here * server2.example.com ( -> Install Apache Web Server here **Previous Sections Completed** * [[linux_wiki:network_services_overview_apache_web_server|Install/Configure]] * Except leave listening on port 80/tcp ---- ====== Virtual Host Creation ====== **Examples**: Example config atless /usr/share/doc/httpd-2.4.6/httpd-vhosts.conf \\ On server2: Create virtual host file vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf # Basic Info (URL, Document Root) ServerName bluesite.example.com DocumentRoot /var/www/html/bluesite # Log files ErrorLog logs/bluesite-error_log CustomLog logs/bluesite-access_log combined \\ On server2: Create directory and index file for myvhost mkdir /var/www/html/bluesite echo 'This is the BLUE SITE.' > /var/www/html/bluesite/index.html \\ On server2: Restart httpd systemctl restart httpd \\ On server1: Create /etc/hosts entry for new name vim /etc/hosts server2 bluesite.example.com \\ On server1: Check virtual host site elinks http://bluesite.example.com ----