====== Configure A System To Use Time Services ====== **General Information** Managing time using different methods. ---- ===== Time Options ===== * ntpd => the default in RHEL 5/6 * chronyd => the default in RHEL 7 (ntpd can still be used instead) * Chronyd has faster time sync than ntpd and can recover from network connection problems faster. ---- ===== Chrony ===== Two new RHEL 7 tools: * chronyd - new red hat 7 time daemon (ntpd was previous daemon) * timedatectl - time and date settings information \\ View current detailed time information timedatectl \\ View available timezones timedatectl list-timezones \\ Set timezone timedatectl set-timezone America/Chicago \\ Set system clock to 12:30pm and 10 seconds: timedatectl set-time 12:30:10 \\ Enable the use of NTP for time timedatectl set-ntp true \\ NTP service config file (chronyd) * /etc/chrony.conf \\ NTP server entry examples in /etc/chrony.conf server 0.pool.ntp.org iburst server 1.pool.ntp.org iburst server 2.pool.ntp.org iburst server 3.pool.ntp.org iburst * If you make any changes, chronyd service must be restarted \\ Check status of NTP service, Restart it systemctl status chronyd systemctl restart chronyd \\ View NTP sources chronyc sources -v ----