====== Configure A Caching-only Name Server ====== **General Information** Caching-only name servers are non-authoritative. They perform lookups inside or outside the zone and cache the results to use locally. The exam requires you to setup a DNS caching server. It does not specify which one. ---- ====== Lab Setup ====== The following virtual machines will be used: * server1.example.com ( -> Perform all connectivity tests from here * server2.example.com ( -> Install DNS caching here * ipa.example.com ( -> DNS Server Here installed with FreeIPA ---- ====== DNS Caching Server: Unbound ====== Installing and configuring the unbound DNS caching only server. * **Advantages**: All config you need is included. * **Disadvantage**: Need to remember which ones to uncomment and modify, need to remember to run unbound-control-setup, very long config file. \\ server2: Install required packages yum install unbound \\ server2: Enable the service systemctl enable unbound \\ server2: Open the firewall firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=dns firewall-cmd --reload \\ server2: Prevent errors about server-keys not existing unbound-control-setup \\ Unbound has almost all config commented out by default. Uncomment and modify items. vim /etc/unbound/unbound.conf ## Listen on all interfaces # uncomment/modify near config line 30 interface: ## Allow queries from local networks # uncomment/modify near config line 180 access-control: allow ## Disable dns-sec for local domain # uncomment/modify near config line 375 domain-insecure: "example.com" ## Configure forward zone # uncomment/modify near config line 550 forward-zone: name: "." forward-addr: \\ server2: Verify configuration unbound-checkconf \\ server2: Start the unbound service systemctl start unbound \\ **Client Testing** server1: Configure a different system to use the DNS caching server nmcli con mod eth0 ipv4.dns \\ server1: Test a ping and DNS lookup ping ipa dig ipa.example.com ---- ====== DNS Caching Server: Bind ====== Installing and configuring the bind DNS caching only server. * **Advantages**: Much smaller config file, everything you need except 1 config part is uncommented (just modify) * **Disadvantages**: Need to memorize how to create a forward zone \\ Install required packages yum install bind bind-utils * bind -> server package * bind-utils -> client utilities \\ Enable the service systemctl enable named \\ Open the firewall for DNS firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=dns firewall-cmd --reload \\ Make some named configuration changes vim /etc/named.conf # existing config items, modify listen-on port 53 { any; }; allow-query {;; }; # copy and paste allow-query line and change to allow-transfer allow-transfer {;; }; # existing config item, modify to no dnssec-validation no; # new entry for forward zone - needs to be memorized zone "example.com" IN { type forward; forwarders {; }; }; * listen on any IP * allow queries/transfers from local private network ( * do not validate local lookups * zone * "example.com" -> local domain * type forward; -> act as a forwarder for these zone lookups * forwarders {; }; -> forward to this DNS entry \\ Check named.conf config syntax named-checkconf * No output = no mistakes \\ Start the named service systemctl start named \\ **Client Testing** server1: Configure a different system to use the DNS caching server nmcli con mod eth0 ipv4.dns \\ server1: Test a ping and DNS lookup ping ipa dig ipa.example.com ----