====== CFT: Deploy Via CLI ====== **General Information** Deploying Cloudformation Templates via AWS CLI. **Checklist** * AWS CLI configured * Cloudformation templates created ---- ====== Deploy ====== CFTs can be deployed via aws-cli, depending upon environment. Examples * Deploying a s3 bucket aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name s3-mynewbucket --template-body file://s3-mynewbucket.json --parameters ParameterKey="ProjectTag",ParameterValue="MyProject" ParameterKey="EnvironmentName",ParameterValue="dev" * Deploying a security group, passing in parameters to the CFTaws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name mysgtest --template-body file://sg_ssh.json --parameters ParameterKey="ProjectTag",ParameterValue="MyProject" ParameterKey="EnvironmentName",ParameterValue="dev" * Deploying an IAM managed role (note the required capabilities argument)aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name iam-jenkins --template-body file://iam_role_jenkins.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM ----