====== Access A Shell Prompt And Issue Commands With Correct Syntax ====== **General Information** This objective centers around being able to correctly read man page syntax. This is an essential skill as you will need reminders of commands and their options on the exam and in the real world. ---- ====== Reading Man Pages ====== **man ls, Synopsis section** ls [OPTION]... [FILE]... * ls - The command * [OPTION] - items in brackets are optional * ... - previous item can be repeated (so, you can have multiple OPTIONs) * [FILE]... - optional target file/directory, can be multiple \\ **man mv, Synopsis section** mv [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST mv [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY mv [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE... * Three different ways to use the mv command * mv SOURCE DEST (1 source, any destination or rename a file) * mv SOURCE... DIRECTORY (move multiple source files, dest must be directory) * mv -t DIRECTORY SOURCE... (move all SOURCE argument(s) into the target (-t) directory) ----