#!/bin/bash ## Arch Linux Post Install Interactive-Config ## Author: Bill Howe, 10/22/2011 ## Version: 0.6b (beta) ## ## -Description: This bash script walks a user through the recommended ### post installation setup of an Arch Linux build. The items that are ### configured via this script are: network config/testing, pacman mirrors, ### system upgrade, standard user account creation, sudo install/config, ### install Xorg (X Windows), Video Drivers, Testing Xorg, Installing fonts, ### installing a desktop environment, and creating GUI startup files in the ### proper user directories. (.xinitrc files) ### ### -Arch Versions: Works with 2010.05 and 2011.08 64 and 32 bit core install. ### All other versions untested, but should work with all net installs. ### ### -Known Issue: If the list of countries is displayed a 2nd time (user ### selects a country but changes mind) Czech Republic and Great Britain ### display an "unary operator expected" error. clear echo -e "===== Arch Linux Post Install Interactive-Config (0.6b) =====" echo -e "\n#Welcome to the Arch Linux Post Install Config." echo -e "--This interactive script walks you through the Arch Linux Wiki's" echo -e "--post installation guide." echo -e "\n#If at any point you see an option in brackets, like [example]," echo -e "--pressing ENTER will default to that option." echo -e "\n>>Press [ENTER] to start this script[]:\c" read ###################### START: CONFIGURE NETWORK ######################## clear echo -e "(1/11) Test For Internet Connection" #Initial ping test, this will work if the network daemon was successful echo -e "#Attempting to ping www.archlinux.org...\c" PINGRESULTS=`ping -c 3 www.archlinux.org | awk '/transmitted/{print $6}' | sed 's/%//'` if [ -z "$PINGRESULTS" -o "$PINGRESULTS" = 100 ] ; then echo -e "\n#Connection Issue detected: Failed DNS resolution or 100% packet loss." echo -e ">>What network interface should we use?[eth0]:\c" read NETINTERFACE # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$NETINTERFACE" ] ; then NETINTERFACE="eth0" fi echo -e "\n#Attempting to manually start DHCP services on [$NETINTERFACE]..." ifconfig $NETINTERFACE up dhcpcd -k $NETINTERFACE dhcpcd -n $NETINTERFACE echo -e "\n#Will attempt to test ping again." echo -e ">>Enter website to ping[www.archlinux.org]:\c" read WEBSITE # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$WEBSITE" ] ; then WEBSITE="www.archlinux.org" fi echo -e "\n#Attempting to ping $WEBSITE...\c" PINGRESULTS=`ping -c 3 $WEBSITE | awk '/transmitted/{print $6}' | sed 's/%//'` if [ -z "$PINGRESULTS" -o "$PINGRESULTS" = 100 ] ; then echo -e "\n#Connection Issue detected: Failed DNS resolution or 100% packet loss." echo -e ">>Set Static Network Information?(y/n) [y]:\c" read STATICNETWORK if [ -z "$STATICNETWORK" ] ; then STATICNETWORK="y" fi #setup static network until user says its correct while true ; do case $STATICNETWORK in [yY]) echo -e ">>IP address:\c" read IP echo -e ">>Subnet Mask:\c" read MASK echo -e ">>Default Gateway:\c" read GW echo -e ">>DNS [Default: Google's Public DNS]:\c" read DNS # If DNS not set, use Google's if [ -z "$DNS" ] ; then DNS="" fi echo -e "\n#Static Network Information" echo -e "--IP Address: $IP" echo -e "--Subnet Mask: $MASK" echo -e "--Default Gatewa: $GW" echo -e "--Name Server: $DNS" echo -e ">>Is this correct?(y/n) [y]:\c" read CORRECT if [ -z "$CORRECT" ] ; then CORRECT="y" fi case $CORRECT in [yY]) # Setup Static Network ifconfig eth0 $IP netmask $MASK up route add default gw $GW # Add the nameserver to the first line in resolv.conf sed -i '1i'"nameserver $DNS" /etc/resolv.conf echo -e "\n#Will attempt to test ping again." echo -e ">>Enter website to ping[www.archlinux.org]:\c" read WEBSITE # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$WEBSITE" ] ; then WEBSITE="www.archlinux.org" fi echo -e "\n#Attempting to ping $WEBSITE...\c" PINGRESULTS=`ping -c 3 $WEBSITE | awk '/transmitted/{print $6}' | sed 's/%//'` if [ -z "$PINGRESULTS" -o "$PINGRESULTS" = 100 ] ; then # All automated attempts at network setup have failed, exit program. echo -e "\n#ERROR! Static Network configuration failed to ping the domain." echo -e "--Please troubleshoot manually.\n" exit 1 fi #If we get here, static network config successful, break out of loop echo -e "\n#Static network configuration successful." break ;; *) # set static network info again echo -e "\n#Config reported as incorrect, please set again.\n" continue ;; esac # END of "is this CORRECT" case check ;; #END of "YES, set static ip" *) #User Does not want to setup a static network and Dynamic Config failed, exit. echo -e "#ERROR in configuring network. Script will exit, please troubleshoot manually.\n" exit 1 ;; esac #End of static network case check done #End of loop to set static network info until correct fi # END of secondary ping check (after prompting for website) fi # END of initial ping attempt check statement # Pings now successful, continue. echo -e "\n\n#Internet connection succeeded." echo -e ">>Press [Enter] to continue[]:\c" read ####################### END: CONFIGURE NETWORK ######################### ####################### START: CONFIGURE PACMAN ######################## clear echo -e "(2/11) Configure Pacman" # Check to see if architecture is 64 bit, if so, offer to use multilib ARCH=`uname -m` if [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ] ; then echo -e "#The multilib repository enables 32-bit applications on Arch x86_64." echo -e ">>Enable multilib? (y/n) [n]:\c" read ENABLEMULTILIB # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$ENABLEMULTILIB" ] ; then ENABLEMULTILIB="n" fi if [ "$ENABLEMULTILIB" = "y" -o "$ENABLEMULTILIB" = "Y" ] ; then echo -e "[multilib]" >> /etc/pacman.conf echo -e "Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" >> /etc/pacman.conf echo -e "--Multilib enabled!" else echo -e "--Multilib NOT enabled." fi fi #Set Internal field separator to a literal new line ("\n" doesn't work) #This is required to properly build the COUNTRYLIST array IFS=' ' #Create an array of the countries #awk:Change field seperator to newline, search mirrorlist for lines that have "# .*" at the beginning #awk:print that field (should be a country name) pipe to sed #sed: filter out Lines that aren't countries (Arch, Generated, Any) and remove "# "'s COUNTRYLIST=(`awk -F"\n" '/^##* .*/ {print $1}' /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist | sed '/Arch/d;/Generated/d;/Any/d;s/##* //'`) #Get total number of countries found NUMCOUNTRIES=${#COUNTRYLIST[*]} # Loop through country selection until a valid country is selected #### START OF SELECT COUNTRY WHILE LOOP #### while true ; do echo -e "\n#Enter a country to use for the mirror list" #Loop through list and display countries in two columns INDEX=0 while [ $INDEX -lt $NUMCOUNTRIES ] ; do echo -e "$((INDEX+1))) ${COUNTRYLIST[$INDEX]}\c" #Check to see if country has spaces. if yes: echo only 1 tab, otherwise 2 tabs if [ `echo "${COUNTRYLIST[$INDEX]}" | grep " "` ] ; then echo -e "\t\c" else echo -e "\t\t\c" fi (( INDEX=INDEX+1 )) #If the new index is out of range, break out of the while loop if [ $INDEX -ge $NUMCOUNTRIES ] ; then break ; fi echo -e "$((INDEX+1))) ${COUNTRYLIST[$INDEX]}" (( INDEX=INDEX+1 )) done echo -e "\n>>Country? (1-$NUMCOUNTRIES) [United States]:\c" read ENTERCOUNTRY #Reset Internal field separator to a space IFS=' ' # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z $ENTERCOUNTRY ] ; then COUNTRY="United States" #Otherwise, assign the country based upon the number (-1 to offset menu starting #at 1 instead of zero) elif [ $ENTERCOUNTRY -ge 1 -a $ENTERCOUNTRY -le $NUMCOUNTRIES ] ; then COUNTRY="${COUNTRYLIST[$ENTERCOUNTRY-1]}" else echo -e "#WARNING: Country entered out of range! Enter [1-$NUMCOUNTRIES]!" echo -e ">>[ENTER] to try again[]:\c" read continue fi echo -e "--Country set to: $COUNTRY" echo -e ">>Is this correct? (y/n) [y]:\c" read CORRECT #if user just pressed enter, assume yes if [ -z "$CORRECT" ] ; then CORRECT="y" fi # If the country is correct, break out of while loop, if not, ask for country again if [ "$CORRECT" = "y" -o "$CORRECT" = "Y" ] ; then break fi done #### END OF SELECT COUNTRY WHILE LOOP #### echo -e "\n#Backing up original mirrorlist..." cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.backup # Reset all servers to commented echo -e "#Preparing mirrorlist for parsing (placing all servers as commented)..." sed -i 's/^Server/#Server/' /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist echo -e "#Creating custom mirrorlist from [$COUNTRY] server list..." # Find all mirrors in specified country with awk, save to countryMirrors file awk -v COUNTRY="$COUNTRY" '/^# ..*/ && start==1 {start=0};$0 ~ COUNTRY {start=1};/^#Server/ && start==1 {print $0}' /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist > /etc/pacman.d/countryMirrors # Insert country name, commented at top of list sed -i '1i '"# $COUNTRY" /etc/pacman.d/countryMirrors echo -e "#Enabling all [$COUNTRY] mirrors..." # Uncomment all mirrors from countryMirrors with sed sed -i 's/^#Server/Server/' /etc/pacman.d/countryMirrors echo -e "#Writing [$COUNTRY] Mirrors to mirrorlist..." cat /etc/pacman.d/countryMirrors > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist echo -e "\n#Refreshing mirrors..." pacman -Syy echo -e "\n#Checking for rankmirrors (curl)..." while true ; do # Check to see if curl is installed, if so exit loop, if not run pacman CURLDIR=`which curl` if [ "$CURLDIR" = "/usr/bin/curl" ] ; then break fi echo -e "\n#Installing rankmirrors (curl)..." pacman -S --noconfirm curl done echo -e "\n#Ranking Top 6 mirrors..." rankmirrors -n 6 /etc/pacman.d/countryMirrors > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist echo -e "#Refreshing all packages...\n" pacman -Syy echo -e "\n#Configuring Pacman completed." echo -e ">>Press [Enter] to continue[]:\c" read ######################## END: CONFIGURE PACMAN ######################### ######################## START: UPGRADE SYSTEM ######################### clear echo -e "(3/11) System Upgrade" echo -e ">>Press [ENTER] to perform a full system update[]:\c" read echo -e "\n#Upgrading all packages..." pacman -Syu --noconfirm echo -e "\n#System upgrade completed." echo -e ">>Press [Enter] to continue[]:\c" read ######################## END: UPGRADE SYSTEM ######################### ###################### START: ADD A USER ACCOUNT ####################### clear echo -e "(4/11) Add A Standard User" # Loop to prompt for user account creation until quit detected while true ; do echo -e ">>Add a standard user?(y/n) [y]:\c" read ADDUSER # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$ADDUSER" ] ; then ADDUSER="y" fi case $ADDUSER in [yY]) #prompt for info echo -e ">>Username:\c" read USERNAME echo -e ">>Initial Group[users]:\c" read INITIALGROUP # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$INITIALGROUP" ] ; then INITIALGROUP="users" fi echo -e ">>Additional Groups[audio,lp,optical,storage,video,wheel,games,power,scanner]:\c" read ADDGROUPS # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$ADDGROUPS" ] ; then ADDGROUPS="audio,lp,optical,storage,video,wheel,games,power,scanner" fi echo -e ">>Shell [/bin/bash]:\c" read SHELL # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$SHELL" ] ; then SHELL="/bin/bash" fi echo -e "\n#The following user account will be created:" echo -e "--User: $USERNAME" echo -e "--Initial Group: $INITIALGROUP" echo -e "--Additional Groups: $ADDGROUPS" echo -e "--Shell: $SHELL" echo -e ">>OK to create?(y/n) [y]:\c" read CREATEUSER # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$CREATEUSER" ] ; then CREATEUSER="y" fi if [ "$CREATEUSER" = "y" -o "$CREATEUSER" = "Y" ] ; then echo -e "\n#Creating user account..." useradd -m -g $INITIALGROUP -G $ADDGROUPS -s $SHELL $USERNAME echo -e ">>Set Password for \"$USERNAME\"" passwd $USERNAME echo -e "" else echo -e "\n#User account \"$USERNAME\" will NOT be created." fi ;; # Create user account "yes" case done *) # No, do not create user account. Exit loop echo -e "#Exiting user account creation tool..." break ;; esac done echo -e "\n#Adding user account(s) completed." echo -e ">>Press [Enter] to continue[]:\c" read ######################## END: ADD A USER ACCOUNT ####################### ######################## START: INSTALL SUDO ########################### clear echo -e "(5/11) Install Sudo\n" echo -e "\n#Checking to see if Sudo is installed..." SUDODIR=`which sudo` if [ "$SUDODIR" = "/usr/bin/sudo" ] ; then echo -e "\n#Sudo appears to be installed. Skipping this section..." else echo -e "\n>>Sudo not detected, proceed with installing?(y/n) [y]:\c" read INSTALLSUDO # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$INSTALLSUDO" ] ; then INSTALLSUDO="y" fi if [ "$INSTALLSUDO" = "y" -o "$INSTALLSUDO" = "Y" ] ; then echo -e "#Installing sudo..." pacman -S --noconfirm sudo echo -e "===================================================================" echo -e "\n--You must now edit the /etc/sudoers file to give sudo access." echo -e "--This can be given to the wheel group or a single user." echo -e "\n#Wheel Group: Remove the comment('#') from this line:" echo -e "-- # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" echo -e "\n#Single User: Find \"root ALL=(ALL) ALL\" and add this under it:" echo -e "-- \"username ALL=(ALL) ALL\"" echo -e "-- You should replace \"username\" with the proper user account" echo -e "\n>>Edit using vi or nano? (vi/nano) [nano]:\c" read VISUDOEDITOR # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$VISUDOEDITOR" ] ; then VISUDOEDITOR="nano" fi if [ "$VISUDOEDITOR" = "vi" ] ; then EDITOR=vi visudo else EDITOR=nano visudo fi else echo -e "#Sudo will NOT be installed..." fi fi echo -e "\n#Configuring Sudo completed." echo -e ">>Press [Enter] to continue[]:\c" read ######################## END: INSTALL SUDO ############################# ###################### START: INSTALL X Windows ######################## clear echo -e "(6/11) Install X Window System" echo -e "\n#The Xorg packages allow for basic graphics support." echo -e "#These packages are a requirement if you want to install a graphical" echo -e "#environment. They can be skipped if you have no need for a GUI." echo -e "\n>>Install Xorg Base Packages?(y/n) [y]:\c" read INSTALLXORG # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$INSTALLXORG" ] ; then INSTALLXORG="y" fi if [ "$INSTALLXORG" = "y" -o "$INSTALLXORG" = "Y" ] ; then echo -e "#Installing X Base Packages..." pacman -S --noconfirm xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-utils xorg-server-utils XORGINSTALLED="yes" echo -e "\n>>Install Mesa for 3D support? (y/n) [y]:\c" read INSTALLMESA # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$INSTALLMESA" ] ; then INSTALLMESA="y" fi if [ "$INSTALLMESA" = "y" -o "$INSTALLMESA" = "Y" ] ; then echo -e "#Installing mesa..." pacman -S --noconfirm mesa else echo -e "--Mesa NOT installed." fi else echo -e "\n--Xorg will NOT be installed." XORGINSTALLED="no" fi echo -e "\n#Configuring X Windows completed." echo -e ">>Press [Enter] to continue[]:\c" read ####################### END: INSTALL X Windows ######################### ##################### START: INSTALL VIDEO DRIVER ###################### clear echo -e "(7/11) Install Video Driver" if [ "$XORGINSTALLED" = "yes" ] ; then # Find VGA controller VGA=`lspci | grep "VGA" | awk '/VGA/{print $5}'` echo -e "\n#You appear to have a $VGA graphics controller." echo -e "#I will search pacman for possible drivers...\n" pacman -Ss xf86-video | grep -i "$VGA" echo -e "\n--Done listing possible drivers via auto search." while true ; do echo -e "\n#What would you like to do?" echo -e "--1)Enter driver name now" echo -e "--2)Install generic vesa driver" echo -e "--3)Install NVIDIA driver(nvidia or nouveau)" echo -e "--4)Install ATI driver(xf86-video-ati)" echo -e "--5)List all drivers so I can decide" echo -e "--0)Skip installing a video driver" echo -e ">> (0-5):\c" read VIDEOCHOICE case $VIDEOCHOICE in 1) echo -e "\n#Enter full name of video driver (ex: xf86-video-vesa)" echo -e ">>Driver name:\c" read DRIVERNAME echo -e ">>Attempt to install $DRIVERNAME?(y/n) [y]:\c" read ATTEMPTINSTALL # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$ATTEMPTINSTALL" ] ; then ATTEMPTINSTALL="y" fi if [ "$ATTEMPTINSTALL" = "y" -o "$ATTEMPTINSTALL" = "Y" ] ; then if [ "pacman -S $DRIVERNAME" ] ; then echo -e "#Installing $DRIVERNAME..." pacman -S --noconfirm "$DRIVERNAME" VIDEOINSTALLED="yes" break else echo -e "--Driver not found!" continue fi echo -e "--Aborting driver installation..." continue fi ;; 2) echo -e "\n#Install Generic Vesa Driver. Are you sure? (y/n) [y]:\c" read CONFIRM if [ -z "$CONFIRM" ] ; then CONFIRM="y" fi if [ "$CONFIRM" = "y" -o "$CONFIRM" = "Y" ] ; then echo -e "\n#Installing generic vesa driver..." pacman -S --noconfirm xf86-video-vesa VIDEOINSTALLED="yes" break else echo -e "--Aborting vesa driver install..." continue fi ;; 3) echo -e "\n#Choose a Nvidia driver" echo -e "--1) Nvidia Proprietary Driver (nvidia)" echo -e "--2) Nvidia Open Source Driver (nouveau)" echo -e ">>(1 or 2):\c" read NVIDIADRIVER if [ "$NVIDIADRIVER" = "1" ] ; then echo -e "\n#Install proprietary nvidia driver. Are you sure? (y/n) [y]:\c" read CONFIRM if [ -z "$CONFIRM" ] ; then CONFIRM="y" fi if [ "$CONFIRM" = "y" -o "$CONFIRM" = "Y" ] ; then echo -e "#Installing Nvidia Proprietary Driver..." pacman -S --noconfirm nvidia VIDEOINSTALLED="yes" break else echo "#Aborting proprietary nvidia driver install..." continue fi elif [ "$NVIDIADRIVER" = "2" ] ; then echo -e "\n#Install open source nouveau driver. Are you sure? (y/n) [y]:\c" read CONFIRM if [ -z "$CONFIRM" ] ; then CONFIRM="y" fi if [ "$CONFIRM" = "y" -o "$CONFIRM" = "Y" ] ; then echo -e "#Installing Nvidia Open Source Driver (nouveau)..." pacman -S --noconfirm xf86-video-nouveau VIDEOINSTALLED="yes" break else echo -e "#Aborting open source nouveau driver install..." continue fi else echo -e "#Invalid selection!" continue fi ;; 4) echo -e "\n#Install ATI driver. Are you sure? (y/n) [y]:\c" read CONFIRM if [ -z "$CONFIRM" ] ; then CONFIRM="y" fi if [ "$CONFIRM" = "y" -o "$CONFIRM" = "Y" ] ; then echo -e "\n#Installing ATI driver..." pacman -S --noconfirm xf86-video-ati VIDEOINSTALLED="yes" break else echo -e "#Aborting ATI driver install..." continue fi ;; 5) echo -e "\n#I will now list possible drivers to install with the \"less\" program." echo -e ">>Press 'q' when you are done looking. [ENTER] to continue[]:\c" read pacman -Ss xf86-video | less echo -e "\n#I will now return you to the video driver menu to make your install selection." echo -e "--Once there, enter option '0' (zero) if you know what to install." echo -e ">>Press [ENTER] to continue[]:\c" read continue ;; 0) echo -e "\n--Video Driver NOT installed." VIDEOINSTALLED="no" break ;; *) echo -e "\n#Invalid choice!" continue ;; esac done else echo -e "#Skipping installation of video card driver since xorg is not installed..." VIDEOINSTALLED="no" fi echo -e "\n#Configuring Video Drivers completed." echo -e ">>Press [Enter] to continue[]:\c" read ###################### END: INSTALL VIDEO DRIVER ####################### ######################## START: TEST X WINDOWS ######################### clear echo -e "(8/11) Testing X Window System" if [ "$XORGINSTALLED" = "yes" -a "$VIDEOINSTALLED" = "yes" ] ; then echo -e "\n#Both Xorg and a Video Driver have been installed." echo -e ">>Press [ENTER] to install default test environment[]:\c" read echo -e "\n#Installing default test environment..." pacman -S --noconfirm xorg-twm xterm echo -e "\n#Installing Message bus (dbus)..." pacman -S --noconfirm dbus echo -e "\n#Adding dbus to Daemons array (/etc/rc.conf)..." sed -i 's/syslog-ng/syslog-ng dbus/' /etc/rc.conf echo -e "#Starting dbus (to avoid restart)..." /etc/rc.d/dbus start echo -e "\n--Will now issue the command \"startx\" to test x environment" echo -e "--If you see xterm consoles, type \"exit\" in each to exit back to here." echo -e "\n--If that does not work, attempt to kill x by typing \"pkill x\"." echo -e "\n--If pkill x does not work, or you can't see anything, attempt to " echo -e "--reboot blindly by typing \"reboot\"" echo -e "\n>>Test X now?(y/n) [y]:\c" read TESTX # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$TESTX" ] ; then TESTX="y" fi if [ "$TESTX" = "y" -o "$TESTX" = "Y" ] ; then startx else echo -e "\n--Skipping Test of X Windows." fi else echo -e "\n--Skipping test of X Windows since either Xorg or Video Drivers are not installed..." fi echo -e "\n#Testing X Windows completed." echo -e ">>Press [Enter] to continue[]:\c" read ######################### END: TEST X WINDOWS ########################## ######################## START: INSTALL FONTS ########################## clear echo -e "(9/11) Install Fonts" echo -e "\n#Installing true type fonts improves many dialog box text." echo -e "#It is recommended to install them." echo -e "\n>>Install dejavu true type fonts? (y/n) [y]:\c" read INSTALLFONTS # if undefined (user just pressed enter) default setting: if [ -z "$INSTALLFONTS" ] ; then INSTALLFONTS="y" fi if [ "$INSTALLFONTS" = "y" -o "$INSTALLFONTS" = "Y" ] ; then echo -e "\n#Installing true type fonts..." pacman -S --noconfirm ttf-dejavu else echo -e "\n#True type fonts will NOT be installed." fi echo -e "\n#Installing fonts completed." echo -e ">>Press [Enter] to continue[]:\c" read ######################## START: INSTALL FONTS ########################## ########################### START: SELECT DE ########################### clear echo -e "(10/11) Install DE or WM" if [ "$XORGINSTALLED" = "yes" -a "$VIDEOINSTALLED" = "yes" ] ; then while true ; do echo -e "\n#Would you like to install one of the following Desktop Environments?" echo -e "--1) KDE" echo -e "--2) Gnome" echo -e "--3) Xfce" echo -e "--0) Do not install any of these" echo -e ">>(0-3):\c" read DECHOICE case $DECHOICE in 1) echo -e "\n#Installing KDE..." echo -e "#Ensuring system is up to date..." pacman -Syu --noconfirm pacman -S --noconfirm kde echo -e "\n#KDE base installed." break ;; 2) echo -e "\n#Installing Gnome..." echo -e "#Ensuring system is up to date..." pacman -Syu --noconfirm pacman -S --noconfirm gnome echo -e "\n#Gnome base installed." echo -e ">>Install Gnome-Extra Package?(y/n) [y]:\c" read GNOMEEXTRA if [ -z "$GNOMEEXTRA" ] ; then GNOMEEXTRA="y" fi if [ "$GNOMEEXTRA" = "Y" -o "$GNOMEEXTRA" = "y" ] ; then echo -e "\n#Installing Gnome-Extra..." pacman -S --noconfirm gnome-extra else echo -e "\n#Skipping installation of Gnome-Extra..." fi break ;; 3) echo -e "\n#Installing Xfce..." echo -e "#Ensuring system is up to date..." pacman -Syu --noconfirm pacman -S --noconfirm xfce4 echo -e "\n#Installing gstreamer plugins..." pacman -S --noconfirm gstreamer0.10-base-plugins #echo -e "\n#Replacing fam with gamin..." #pacman -S --noconfirm gamin echo -e "\n#Xfce4 base installed." echo -e ">>Install Xfce4 Goodies Package?(y/n) [y]:\c" read XFCEGOODIES if [ -z "$XFCEGOODIES" ] ; then XFCEGOODIES="y" fi if [ "$XFCEGOODIES" = "Y" -o "$XFCEGOODIES" = "y" ] ; then echo -e "\n#Installing Xfce4 Goodies..." pacman -S --noconfirm xfce4-goodies else echo -e "\n#Skipping installation of Xfce4 Goodies..." fi break ;; 0) echo -e "#No desktop environment will be installed." break ;; *) echo -e "\n#Invalid Choice!" continue ;; esac done else echo -e "\n--Skipping installation of a Desktop Environment since either Xorg or Video Drivers are not installed..." fi echo -e "\n#Installing a Desktop Environment section completed." echo -e ">>Press [Enter] to continue[]:\c" read ############################ END: SELECT DE ############################ ###################### START: SETUP GUI FOR USER ####################### clear echo -e "(11/11) Create User DE Startx Files (.xinitrc)" #If user did not install a DE, skip this section if [ $DECHOICE = 0 ] ; then echo -e "\n#No Desktop Environment detected. Skipping this section..." else echo -e "\n#In order for users to be able to start the desktop environment" echo -e "--a .xinitrc file needs to be created in their home folder." echo -e "\n#Once created, they will be able to start a graphical environment" echo -e "--by typing \"startx\" after login." #Check to see what DE was installed (1=KDE,2=GNOME,3=XFCE) case $DECHOICE in 1) #KDE echo -e "\n#KDE detected." STARTX="exec ck-launch-session startkde" ;; 2) #GNOME echo -e "\n#Gnome detected." STARTX="exec ck-launch-session gnome-session" ;; 3) #XFCE echo -e "\n#Xfce detected." STARTX="exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session startxfce4" ;; *) #Catch-all, should not get here echo -e "\n#Error detecting a desktop environment. Now exiting..." exit 1 ;; esac #Set Internal field separator to a literal new line ("\n" doesn't work) IFS=' ' #Create array of all standard users (group 100) USERLIST=(`awk -F":" '/100/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd`) #Get total number of users TOTALUSERS=${#USERLIST[*]} ###START WHILE LOOP TO SELECT A VALID USER ### while true ; do #Display all standard users for selection echo -e "\n#The following standard users were discovered:" #Loop through array, print users in columns of two INDEX=0 while [ $INDEX -lt $TOTALUSERS ] ; do #We want the option 0 to be "all users", so make a special case if [ $INDEX = 0 ] ; then echo -e "$INDEX) All Users\t\c" else #otherwise, output the index+1 for the menu selection, since we used 0 for all users #The index of the actual data stays the same echo -e "$((INDEX+1))) ${USERLIST[$INDEX]}\t\c" (( INDEX=INDEX+1 )) fi #If the previous mid-loop increment went equal/above the total users, break if [ $INDEX -ge $TOTALUSERS ] ; then break ; fi #Output 2nd column of users echo -e "$((INDEX+1))) ${USERLIST[$INDEX]}" (( INDEX=INDEX+1 )) done echo -e "\n>>Create startx files for who? (0-$TOTALUSERS) [0]:\c" read WHATUSERS #User just pressed ENTER, use default of all users if [ -z $WHATUSERS ] ; then WHATUSERS=0 break elif [ $WHATUSERS -ge 0 -a $WHATUSERS -le $TOTALUSERS ] ; then #just break, since WHATUSERS is valid break else echo -e "#Warning: Invalid user selection. Please use [0-$TOTALUSERS]." echo -e ">>Press [ENTER] to try again.[]\c" read continue fi done ### END OF WHILE LOOP TO GET VALID USER SELECTION ### #Copy skeleton .xinitrc to each users home folder and give them ownership #Append the correct startx command to each file if [ $WHATUSERS = 0 ] ; then # 0 = All users: loop through user list and create the .xinitrc for each user for INDEX in ${USERLIST[*]} ; do cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc "/home/$INDEX/.xinitrc" chown "$INDEX:users" "/home/$INDEX/.xinitrc" echo "$STARTX" >> "/home/$INDEX/.xinitrc" echo -e "#Created /home/$INDEX/.xinitrc" done else #Only do this for a specific user (subtract 1 to offset the all users menu category cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc "/home/${USERLIST[$WHATUSERS-1]}/.xinitrc" chown "${USERLIST[$WHATUSERS-1]}:users" "/home/${USERLIST[$WHATUSERS-1]}/.xinitrc" echo "$STARTX" >> "/home/${USERLIST[$WHATUSERS-1]}/.xinitrc" echo -e "#Created /home/${USERLIST[$WHATUSERS-1]}/.xinitrc" fi fi #end of initial if statement echo -e "\n#Done creating the startx file(s)." echo -e ">>Press [ENTER] to continue[]:\c" read ####################### END: SETUP GUI FOR USER ######################## echo -e "\n==== Arch Post Install Interactive Config Script Complete! ====\n" exit