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Batch - Change IP Static/DHCP

Quickly change from/to static to dhcp.

@echo off
rem Program: ip.bat
rem Author: Bill Howe
rem Version: 1.0
rem Date: 03/15/2012
rem Description: Command Line Utility to quickly set static or dhcp information
rem              on the specified network interface.

if "%1" == "static" (
goto staticip
)else if "%1" == "dhcp" (
goto dhcp
)else (
goto error)

echo ==Static IP Config==

echo --- Available Interfaces ---
netsh interface show interface
set INTERFACE=Local Area Connection
set /p INTERFACE= ">>Interface Name to configure [Local Area Connection]:"

echo -- %INTERFACE% --
set /p IPADDR= Enter IP Address[]: 
set MASK=
set /p MASK= Enter Subnet Mask[]: 
set GW=""
set /p GW= Enter Gateway[]: 
set DNS=
set /p DNS=Enter DNS[]:

echo Setting interface information...
netsh interface ipv4 set address "%INTERFACE%" static %IPADDR% %MASK% %GW%
netsh interface ipv4 set dnsservers "%INTERFACE%" static %DNS%

rem Wait 5 seconds and then show the ipconfig of local area connection
ping -n 6 > nul
netsh interface ip show address "%INTERFACE%"
goto end

echo ==DHCP Config==

echo --- Available Interfaces ---
netsh interface show interface
set INTERFACE=Local Area Connection
set /p INTERFACE= ">>Interface Name to configure [Local Area Connection]:"

echo -- %INTERFACE% --
echo Attempting to get DHCP for %INTERFACE%...
netsh interface ipv4 set address "%INTERFACE%" dhcp
netsh interface ipv4 set dnsservers name="%INTERFACE%" source=dhcp

rem Wait 5 seconds and then show the ipconfig of local area connection
ping -n 6 > nul
netsh interface ip show address "%INTERFACE%"
goto end

echo ==IP Command Help==
echo ip syntax:
echo    ip static = Invoke static IP prompts.
echo    ip dhcp = Attempt to automatically obtain an IP address.

  • windows_wiki/batch_-_change_ip.1416372570.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/05/25 23:50
  • (external edit)