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CIFS Windows Shares

General Information

Mounting CIFS (Windows Shares) on Linux.


  • Distro: Enterprise Linux 6
  • CIFS share is already present on remote server.

  1. Install Packages
    yum install -y cifs-utils samba-client
  2. List remote shares
    smbclient -L <remote-cifs-server>
  3. Create local directory structure to mount the shares in
    mkdir -p /data/shared/<win-share-name>
  4. Create root ssh directory if it does not exist
    mkdir /root/.ssh
    chmod 700 /root/.ssh
  5. Create the CIFS credentials file
    touch /root/.ssh/.<win-share-name>
    chmod 600 /root/.ssh/.<win-share-name>
  6. Edit the credentials file, add share's user/pass/domain
    vim /root/.ssh/.<win-share-name>
  7. Create persistent CIFS mount in /etc/fstab
    vim /etc/fstab
    //<remote-cifs-server>/<sharename> /data/shared/<win-share-name>  cifs  auto,credentials=/root/.ssh/.<win-share-name>,_netdev,uid=<user>,gid=<users>,rw  0 0
  8. Mount the share
    mount -a

  • linux_wiki/cifs_windows_shares.1451444521.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/05/25 23:50
  • (external edit)