Table of Contents


General Information

The command ansible-pull, inverts the way that ansible works. Instead of sending commands from a central location, a client can pull down a playbook from a version controlled repository and run it locally.


Pre-Req: The VCS Repo

You will need access to a software repo in order to commit/push your ansible-pull playbook into.

This repo will be used by the clients to pull from.

The repo visibility (public/private) doesn't matter, as long as there is a way for the client to access it over https or ssh.

Playbook: About

The ansible-pull playbook file will be the only part that looks different than a normal playbook/role setup.

The entire role directory structure/files can remain the same as if it were being deployed via normal ansible-playbook commands.

Playbook: Directory Stucture

The directory structure for an Ansible Pull repo does not look that much different than Ansible's best practices for playbooks.

If this method is followed, the same role can also be used on the system that does regular ansible-playbook push commands (referenced from a different playbook file).

├── myplaybook.yml
└── myrole
    ├── files
    ├── handlers
    │   └── main.yml
    ├── tasks
    │   └── main.yml
    └── vars
        └── main.yml

Playbook: Example

Example of a playbook tailored for pulling.

# File: myplaybook.yml
# Description: Playbook used to execute on the local system via ansible-pull
# hosts to run on
- hosts:
    - localhost
  # roles: located in same directory
    # role: role to assign to hosts, tags: tag(s) to give entire role
    - { role: myrole, tags: myrole }
  # Do not gather host facts for this playbook (comment out/remove if you need facts)
  gather_facts: no

Playbook: Role Example

Example of a role that can be used with either a pull playbook or normal playbook.

File: myrole/tasks/main.yml → Installs a list of applications using the variable “my_awesome_apps” and notifies a handler if anything changes

- name: Install my awesome app list
    name: "{{ my_awesome_apps }}"
    state: present
  notify: restart my awesome service

File: myrole/vars/main.yml → Variable that contains a list of applications to install

 - myapp1
 - myapp2

File: myrole/vars/handlers.yml → Handler that restarts a service when triggered

- name: restart my awesome service
    name: my-awesome-service
    state: restarted

The Client: Putting It All Together

Steps for the client to run the playbook via ansible-pull.

Example with a git repo

Options Used

Beyond: Continuous Deployment

Using ansible-pull, there is now the capability to make changes to systems via repo pushes.

Automation Ideas