====== Exceptions ====== **General Information** Attempting actions and catching exceptions/errors. **Checklist** * Python 2 or 3 ---- ====== Usage ====== Using the code snippet. chmod +x try-except.py ./try-except.py # Example output my_number successfully converted to an integer. my_number2 is NOT an integer! ---- ====== The Code ====== #!/usr/bin/python # A number stored as a string my_number="123" try: # Attempt to convert to an integer my_number = int(my_number) print("my_number successfully converted to an integer.") except: # If there is an error, display a message and exit print("my_number is NOT an integer!") exit(1) # Store a string my_number2="nope" try: # Attempt to convert to an integer my_number2 = int(my_number2) print("my_number2 successfully converted to an integer.") except: # If there is an error, display a message and exit print("my_number2 is NOT an integer!") exit(1) \\ Another example is using a try, except when using an API for logins. # Attempt to login and get a session id try: key = server.auth.login(spacewalk_login, spacewalk_password) except: print("->ERROR: Spacewalk Login failed. Exiting...") exit(1) * NOTE: The above code will not run by itself, as it is a snippet from using a Spacewalk API. ----