====== Extend Existing Logical Volumes ====== **General Information** Expanding existing logical volumes non-destructively. ---- ===== Basic LVM Setup ===== **Create single partition on a new disk** fdisk /dev/sdb n (new partition) (use defaults) t (change type) 8e (Linux LVM) w (write changes and quit) \\ **Create physical volume** pvcreate /dev/sdb1 pvdisplay \\ **Create volume group** vgcreate vglocal /dev/sdb1 vgdisplay \\ **Create logical volume** lvcreate -n lvstorage -L 20G vglocal lvdisplay \\ **Create XFS Filesystem** mkfs -t xfs /dev/vglocal/lvstorage \\ **Mount the volume** mkdir -p /mnt/mystorage mount /dev/vglocal/lvstorage /mnt/mystorage ---- ===== Extend a volume group ===== **Create a partition on a new disk** gdisk /dev/sdc (same defaults + lvm type change as basic setup) \\ **Create physical volume from created partition** pvcreate /dev/sdc1 \\ **Extend the "vglocal" volume group and verify** vgextend vglocal /dev/sdc1 pvs ---- ==== Extend a logical volume ==== **Extend volume to be 30G in size(from 20G original)** lvextend -L 30G --resizefs /dev/vglocal/lvstorage OR lvextend -L +10G --resizefs /dev/vglocal/lvstorage * df -h shows that filesystem still needs to be resized to fill the LV container (if you did not use "--resizefs") \\ **Resize the filesystem - if you did NOT use the "--resizefs" option above** xfs_growfs /dev/vglocal/lvstorage * If EXT filesystem, use: resize2fs /dev/vglocal/lvstorage ----